Stone Broken are, without a doubt, one of the hardest working bands in the Über Rockin’ firmament. They seem to be constantly on the road, and it is a wonder how, given the volume of gigs they perform in any given year, they find time to write and record new material, never mind pause for a valuable sip of Vimto (a reference which will become clear during the interview at the end of this piece). It is this hard-working ethos which seems them currently ploughing the highways and by-ways of the Über Kingdom on yet another headline tour spanning 16 dates, including some out of the way places which many other bands would never even consider visiting. And it was this work ethic, and trek, which saw them return to ÜR’s home city of Belfast to build on the success of their first appearance here, a little less than a year ago, when they blew Buckcherry off the stage (but, then, that’s not hard to do!).
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