Category: Popular

Vendetta Love/Delusional Silence – Belfast, Voodoo – 13 July 2024

It had been more than a few hot minutes since we had reunited the ÜRHQ tag team and climbed the hallowed stairs of our favourite venue, but what better excuse to take a trip into the darkened heart of Belfast city’s back streets than this promisory note of a double bill, headlined by one of the most exciting young bands I have heard in a long time, making their first venture across the Irish border to the northern capital.

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The Über Rock Singles Club Daily Pick – Von Loop

“The Twelfth”, as it is known in the tiny corner of the Uberverse we call home, is best known for bands of a different variety, but it seems somewhat inanely appropriate that Monk should choose a band from just down the road from ÜRHQ as my latest pick of the pops, as this veggie punk quartet from the town that also birthed the highly over-rated Snore Patrol feed us some #LeafyGreens with their latest tasty dish.

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Psychedelic Porn Crumpets/FEET – Amsterdam, Paradiso – 8 July 2024

By this point Jase W is convinced that there’s something in the water (or the beer – Ed) in Australia. The sheer amount of incredible bands that are just on the unusual side of things seem to be popping out of there like hot cakes and the aptly bizarrely named band, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, is another good example. And finally after the rescheduling of the show earlier this year, our European correspondent get to see them at the rather lovely Paradiso venue supported by an equally oddball named band, FEET. It’s all going to be a bit of an odd one tonight by the looks.

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The Über Rock Singles Club Daily Pick – ZacTheLocust

Although the weather may be dictating otherwise, we’re supposedly at the height of summer, and so we should be enjoying some #LazyDays of shimmering sunshine and cool rock ‘n’ roll beats while we sip cocktails on the terrace at ÜRHQ… Well, this alt-punk combo from our birthplace of south Wales are certainly providing the soundtrack for that momentary pipe dream with this latest tasty morsel from their upcoming debut album.

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The Über Rock Singles Club Daily Pick – Joy Buzzer

Would you be surprised (sic) to learn that Monk’s latest choice of the hottest new sounds around has a close affiliation with a hugely popular international children’s TV series? You would? And would you be mystified by the connection? You would? Well, let me enlighten you… You see, when not writing quirky power pop gems that feature a winning combination of catchy hooks and jet fuel, Joy Buzzer guitarist Jed Becker holds down a day job as composer and music director for the Nick Jr. hits such as ‘Dora The Explorer’ and ‘Go, Diego, Go!’, among many others…But, we’ll not hold that against him, especially when he’s also producing poptastic anthems such as this latest cut’

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The Über Rockin’ Guide To… RADAR Festival Score 0%

The Über Rockin’ Guide To… RADAR Festival

It’s July! And that means the festival season is now in full swing, and coming up next for Jase W is one of his highlight events of the year… it’s almost time to put ourselves on the RADAR! The sheer hype our man has for this event and the fact that the lineup this year could be almost entirely tailored to his exact music taste is baffling, In fact, he’s genuinely wondering when he’s going to have chance to even eat anything other than quality music…

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