Category: Features

The Über Rockin’ Guide To… Pelagic Fest

Well this has certainly come around a lot quicker than Jase W could have anticipated: it’s the end of July now, and where did the year go? Anyway it’s looking good for August though, especially with an absolute belter of a show like this around the corner featuring a smattering of some of our European correspondent’s favourite bands.

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The Über Rock Singles Club Daily Pick – Bones UK

Monk’s latest selection sees this duo of vocalist/guitarist Rosie Bones and guitarist Carmen Vandenberg trying to ‘Fix’ a relationship where both partners believe they can heal each other’s wounds, only to end up causing more harm, with a song captures the raw emotion and the paradox of trying to fix someone else while being broken yourself, highlighting the destructive cycle that can ensue when love turns into a misguided attempt to mend what can’t easily be repaired.

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The Über Rock Singles Club Daily Pick – The New Roses

These German retro rockers seem to find themselves #AttractedToDanger… OK, that’s actually the title of their new album, not a comment on their predilection for engaging in extreme sports (not that we know if they do – they probably don’t as the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle is probably extreme enough in its own right). This first appetizer sees the stadium rock-inspired (and aspiring) quintet explaining what happens ‘When You Fall In Love’:

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