Author: UberAdmin

The Hip Priests – ‘Stand For Nothing’ (Speedowax/Ghost Highway)

To say that Über Rock and The Hip Priests have history, a long history, would probably rate as one of the most stupendously stupid understatements of this or any other year. As long-time readers will be more than aware, we have been champions of the self-styled “most prolific band you’ve never heard of” since the site’s early days, and both ourselves and the band virtually grew up together. Over the past 12 years or so, the Priests have released an humungous amount of material: at the last count, they have issued something like four albums, three EPs and a stunning 24 singles… Now, they’re back on the attack with this, the HP album that was never meant to be…

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Safire/Dead Addiction/Like A Hawk – Belfast, Limelight 2 – 27 April 2019

It had been a while since we darkened the doors of what once was our venue of choice: no real reason other than the paucity of shows so far this year that we had actually been interested in covering. So, what better excuse to return to the hallowed confines of the Slimer than the return to action, after a seemingly interminable period away from the live scene, of Saffron Gorman and her merry band of rock ‘n’ roll troubadours? No, we can’t think of one either…

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The Über Rockin’ Guide to… Slam Dunk 2019

Long the crown jewel of UK pop punk, hardcore and ska inclinations, Slam Dunk has long held a reputation as a fan-friendly fixture of festival season, bringing together some of the biggest names in pop punk, punk rock, hardcore, ska and – particularly in recent years – metalcore to act as a counterpoint to the Vans Warped Tour which once toured the US. Traditionally split between a Northern, Midlands and London-adjacent location, the festival is a one-day event that promises to kick festival season off with a bang. Though somewhat pulled back for the 2019 event (the Midlands event no longer going ahead), Slam Dunk is as strong as ever as its remaining two sites look to get bigger than ever before.

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The BIG Über Rock Interview – Laura Ozholl and Shelley Walker (JOANovARC)

London hard rockers JOANovARC are about to release their second, on this occasion self-titled, album, which they will back up with a series of live shows. UR took the opportunity to catch up with guitarists Laura and Shelley to chat about the album, some of it’s lyrical themes, how they draw inspiration from adversity and those much-publicized travails with the PledgeMusic funding mechanism.

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