Author: UberAdmin

Rory Gallagher – ‘Blues’ (Chess)

In the history of Irish music, there are a handful of people whose names, years, decades and even centuries after their passing, are still uttered in hushed reverence. From Dr James McDonnell to Count John McCormick, Josef Locke to Derek Bell, their names, and their legacies, continue to echo down through the ages. In the field of rock ‘n’ roll, of course, we have the likes of the incomparable Phil Lynott and Belfast’s own prodigal son, Gary Moore. But, head and shoulders above them all stands the man still regarded as the greatest interpreter of the blues of his generation, and perhaps the greatest non-American to pick up a battered Stratocaster and make the genre his own. We are talking, of course, about The G Man, the legend that is the Ballyshannon-born genius Mr Rory Gallagher…

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The Über Rockin’ Guide to… Download Festival (Part One)

It’s that time of year again, where we bust out the wellies and sun-cream (just in case!) and prepare to descend on Castle Donington for a weekend of musical greatness. Download 2019 looks set to not only feature performances by some of our world’s biggest and best names, but also give a much-needed bump to some of the emergent stars of the future. With that in mind, here is the first instalment of our three-part Über Rockin’ Guide to Download Festival 2019, starting by looking at what is going down across the various stages on the Friday…

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Diamond Head – ‘The Coffin Train’ (Silver Lining)

Every so often an album comes along that defines a band’s career. Diamond Head’s ground-breaking debut, ‘Lightning To The Nations’ did just that. It’s not often that any band can repeat such a moment in history. Metallica have tried, and failed, on numerous occasions. But, Diamond Head, quite possibly the second most influential band in the history of British heavy metal (after Black Sabbath of course) have succeeded in doing just that, as ‘The Coffin Train’ is, put as plainly and simply as I can, a fucking stunning opus which not only stands alongside their debut but threatens to surpass it in terms of its epic, grandiose magnificence. Yes, it is THAT good. Nay, better!

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Imperial Wax – ‘Gastwerk Saboteurs’ (Saustex Records)

Imperial Wax might be a new name on the scene, but its musicians most definitely aren’t. Messrs Keiron Melling, Dave Spurr and Pete Greenway will most instantly be recognised as the longest serving members of legendary post-punk outfit The Fall, as well as that band’s final line-up prior to the death of frontman Mark E Smith in 2018. Rather than squandering an 11-year fermentation process which had given the band a vital chemistry – and eschewing the modern tendency towards upholding a band-name long after its most notable musicians have left the planet – the musicians banded together with frontman Sam Curran to create something new and vital from the ashes of their previous band.

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