Author: Team Uber

Master Charger – ‘Origin of the Lugubrious’ (Stoned Rocka Records)

Some of you may have noticed that a little while ago Off Yer Rocka Records spawned a couple of smaller specialised record labels, one of which was Stoned Rocka. Now we don’t know about you, but this got Jonny B all excited – a record label dedicated stoner music? Fucking sign him up! Lo and behold, when an album arrived at ÜRHQ from the first signing to the label, JB knew that he had to get his hands on it to see if the Stoned Rocka taste was what he hoped it would be…

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Volcanova – ‘Radical Waves’ (The Sign Records)

A debut from a stoner three-piece: “is this going to be another band that just want to emulate Motörhead?” was the first question that came to his mind while the big lad by the name of DJ Astrocreep read through the PR blurb. First indications say no – the mentions are of Kyuss, Sabbath, Mastodon and more – so that fear seems to be allayed at least. So how do Icelandic trio Volcanova fare then – are they another band jumping on to the ever-growing stoner scene or worth checking out?

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Incarnate Deity – ‘Theodicy’ (Christian Metal Underground)

Up for review here is the debut eight track album from Incarnate Deity entitled ‘Theodicy’. A release that introduces a style of music that neither David S nor we at ÜRHQ even knew existed. “Symphonic Blackened Christian Death Metal” is apparently a thing. Who would have thought? It’s not something that we’ve ever encountered before but our man in Belfast would certainly give it a listen…

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