Author: Team Uber

Über Rock Introduces… Hells

Given we at Über Rock like nothing better than to try and showcase the talents of someone starting out, we are always keeping and eye and an ear open with everything we do. In this case, the big lad by the name of DJ Astrocreep met this talented young lady, Helene, in someone’s gaming stream – and on his birthday. After a brief chat, he checked out her music demos and was pleasantly surprised to find she had a single coming out a few days later. A couple of listens later, it was clear that she is a talented person and definitely deserves to have a spotlight shined upon on her, just after self-releasing her second single. So, he had no hesitation in hooking up with her and getting her to introduce herself to the wider Uberverse

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Ace Frehley – ‘Origins Vol 2’ (eOne/SPV)

To be brutally honest, albums of cover versions are not normally Monk’s thing and tend to sink his boat faster than that iceberg ripped a hole in the side of a certain Belfast-built ship. But, when said album comes under the banner of the original ‘Spaceman’, Ace Frehley – widely regarded by many fans as one half of the only two original members of Kiss who could play their instruments – then you sort of feel you have to sit up and take notice… or at least give it a cursory spin…

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The Republic Of Mars – ‘The Beast From The East’ (Somewhere On Mars Records)

The Republic Of Mars – or ‘Respublica Mars’ in the literal translation of their name – hail from the city of Vladivostok, perhaps best known to us of a certain generation as the home base of Russia’s Pacific fleet during the Cold War. Their geographic origin provides the apposite title for this, their first English-language album, as the name of their native city itself commonly translates as “lord of the east”.

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Scumbag Millionaire – ‘Poor And Infamous’ (Suburban Records)

If rock ‘n’ roll riffs alone could make you a millionaire, then these Swedish scumbags would have an endless stream of zeros in their musical bank balance, as that is exactly what they produce – rockin’ riffs by the bucketload. Couple that with an insatiable appetite for clocking up the road miles, and drinking beer, and you certainly have a winning formula, at least as far as these three loveable rapscallions (and we at ÜRHQ) are concerned…

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