John Diva and the Rockets of Love – ‘Mama Said Rock Is Dead’ (Steamhammer)
Gerald S’s first experience with John Diva and the Rockets of Love was watching their video for their song ‘Lolita’ which immediately took him back to the days of David Lee Roth solo albums. Autograph, ‘Summertime Girls’ by Y&T, etc. Some further research took him to videos of them covering ’80s classics at Wacken. It has caused him to wonder where exactly the line gets drawn between parody, especially reading Diva’s bio, and a new band seeking world domination. Steel Panther has shown that there is business to be had by being ridiculously over the top, but the joke can wear really thin really fast. Lyrically, Diva avoids the offensive lyrics of SP which is what makes part of this so much more confusing. Sometimes it is best to stop pondering all of this and just dig into the music…
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