Author: UberAdmin

Video Of The Week – The Coathangers

As Atlanta riot grrls The Coathangers re-emerge into the sunlight with a new album and prepare to return to the Über Kingdom of Rock ‘n’ Roll for a string of dates later this week, they have also unleashed a new single, alerting us to the perils of ‘Stranger Danger’, taken from their ÜR approved new album, ‘The Devil You Know’, released earlier this month via Suicide Squeeze Records.

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The Quireboys – ‘Amazing Disgrace’ (Off Yer Rocka Recordings)

Juan Pablo Mazzola – often featured in these pages as the driving force behind the brilliant Baby Scream – has always been a Quireboys fan. He remembers when he bought ‘A Bit Of What You Fancy’: it completely blew him away, in a way like The Faces, The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith always did. Now, stepping up to the reviewing plate and joining the ÜR reviewing team, he reveals how their new album, ‘Amazing Disgrace’, affected himin the same way… just like they did when he was 14 years old and had their posters on his wall.

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Lord Dying – ‘Mysterium Tremendum’ (eOne)

Death and doom metal go hand in hand – it is pretty heavily implied in the genre’s name, after all. But, where so many bands within doom canon have explored the subject across their discographies, Lord Dying have upped the ante some on ‘Mysterium Tremendum’, basing the whole record around the concept of what comes after the big full stop. Their third record, ‘Mysterium Tremendum’ is double the difference in gaps between the release of their debut and 2015’s ‘Poisoned Alters’, the band using that time to hone their skills into an art form worth reckoning with, offering up a bigger smorgasbord of riffs than ever before whilst also diving deeper into death metal adjacent tendencies, a la Paradise Lost.

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