Author: UberAdmin

Through The Noise – ‘Dualism’ (Eclipse)

In the run-up to the release of Through The Noise’s second full-length, there was recurring chatter regarding how this album would reflect a notable nü metal influence, particularly when compared to their debut album.  Although there are significant grooves that undulate beneath the surface on tracks such as ‘Digital Playground’ and ‘House of Asterion’, this claim seems to have been a tad overstated.

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Texas Hippie Coalition – ‘High In The Saddle’ (eOne)

“Let me see your dirty finger in the air, let them know that the party’s right here” demands Big Dad Ritch (who captains this pirate ship of bikers, outlaws, troubadours and hellraisers), adding that “we like to party and this is our drinking song”. Well, when the Texas Hippie Coalition are in town – or, in this case, exploding from the ÜRHQ death decks – then you have no choice but to grab a cold one in your right hand, a bottle of cheap bourbon in the left and join in the celebrations.

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Daddy Long Legs/Protex/The Sabrejets – Belfast, Black Box – 10 May 2019

It’s supposed to be the middle of Spring, fer feck sake, but Monk swears that this the coldest night of the year so far as DQ and himself brave the elements and headed across Belfast into the city’s historic cultural heartland, where the annual Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival was in full swing. The main attraction this particular night was the return of those maestros of the Chicago-style blooze revival, Daddy Long Legs, who had rammed this cornerstone venue to the rafters for a night of raucous rock’n’roll.

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