Author: UberAdmin

Daddy Long Legs/Protex/The Sabrejets – Belfast, Black Box – 10 May 2019

It’s supposed to be the middle of Spring, fer feck sake, but Monk swears that this the coldest night of the year so far as DQ and himself brave the elements and headed across Belfast into the city’s historic cultural heartland, where the annual Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival was in full swing. The main attraction this particular night was the return of those maestros of the Chicago-style blooze revival, Daddy Long Legs, who had rammed this cornerstone venue to the rafters for a night of raucous rock’n’roll.

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Kurokuma – ‘Sheffield’s Best Metal Bands Vol 1’ (Off Me Nut)

Kurokuma are a band our resident DJ and gigaholic has been fortunate enough to catch live on several occasions now, though he seldom seems to find the opportunity to listen to them otherwise – always another album to listen to and cover or other such reasons. The Sheffield sludgers are finally beginning to make the waves their music deserves, then bam – a new EP into the inbox…

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Nihility – ‘Thus Spoke The Antichrist’ (Black Lion)

In the mood for something oppressively dark now that summer’s knocking at the door? You could do a lot worse than ‘Thus Spoke The Antichrist.’ These eight fiendish cuts are a gift from Nihility, a Portuguese five-piece specialising in fearsome heaviness and this debut is pit-igniting metal at its most pox-ridden. They’ve occasionally been referred to as a black metal act but they’ve more in common with the likes of Cannibal Corpse and Aborted than Watain or Darkthrone.

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