Author: UberAdmin

H.C. Slim – ‘Sings’ (Svart)

Described as a “rural legend”, the enigmatic H.C. Slim is, apparently, a cult figure of sorts in his homeland. He writes songs in between distilling his own alcohol, and subsequently demoes them on a tape recorder, all while squirreled away in a cottage deep in the eastern Finnish countryside. Over the years, cassettes and CDRs began to circulate with original copies selling for high prices, before Svart Records drove out to his remote self-cabin to offer Slim a deal for his debut album. Well, that’s the “official” story anyway… whatever the veracity of the mythos that has been built up around him, this is the result.

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Bhleg/Nechochwen – ‘Sorlande Sky’/’Majestic Translucence’ Split EP (Nordvis Produktion)

Split EPs are a pretty effective way for bands to quickly expand their respective fanbases, and are also a great opportunity for fans to check out two bands for the price of one (or just use their streaming service…). Often split EPs will be a collaboration between two bands from a similar area, but not this one. This here is a cross-continental folk metal collaboration! With just one song from each band this could be considered more of a tease than real flavour of the bands, but let’s see if it’s enough to leave you wanting more…

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Jamie Lenman/Catalan/Steven VX/Ferals – Belfast, The Palm House – 1 June 2019

It’s the first day of June, supposedly itself the start of the summer season, and, typically, it’s freezing cold. But things are certain to hot up as the evening goes on, as Jamie Lenman is making one of his rare (for reasons he explains during his set) sojourns across the Irish Sea for his first ever headlining shows on the Emerald Isle. And it was definitely set to be a special occasion, as we had the added bonus of the former Reuben frontman being re-united with an old friend…

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Demons & Wizards – ‘Demons & Wizards’/’Touched By The Crimson King’ (Century Media)

Demons & Wizards, the power metal supergroup led by Hansi Kirsch and Jon Schaffer, haven’t had the most prolific recording career; in the 21 years since they formed, they’ve only managed to get two records out. Blind Guardian and Iced Earth have kept both guys busy, but they’ve finally got back together, are heading out on tour this summer across Europe and there’s a third album on the way. As it’s been a while since we last heard from them, it’s not surprising that Century Media have decided now is a good time to reissue their previous output, giving us a chance to shine a spotlight on them once again.

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