Author: Team Uber

Intercepting Pattern – ‘The Encounter’ (Rising Nemesis)

Just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat (apparently), there’s also more than one way to record an album as a group of well-established musicians proved when they came together as Intercepting Pattern and began to work on their debut album ‘The Encounter’. Instead of following a traditional structured approach to recording, these progressive metal anomalies opted for a more improvisational approach to form an album that promises to get the old grey matter functioning.

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Rikard Sjöblom’s Gungfly – ‘Alone Together’ (InsideOut)

As part of the highly talented new wave of prog rockers, alongside such luminaries such as Steven Wilson, Rickard Sjöblom is one of the more familiar names to emerge into the spotlight in the mid-90s to mid-Noughties. Taking his lead from some of the first major wave of UK prog acts such as YES, Genesis and Marillion, he has consistently put out some highly capable work over almost 20 years, through Beardfish into his own Gungfly project, with this latest opus a continuation of the sterling work he has created previously.

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From the Depth – ‘Moments’ (Rockshots Records)

After some pretty out-there curveballs in his recent reviews, it was nice for Jonny B to get back well within his comfort zone with some good solid power metal. Anyone who knows our man knows all too well that he has a massive soft spot for the genre, as it never fails to lift his spirits, so he was quite happy to be getting stuck into the latest release from Italy’s From the Depth.

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Goatvulva – ‘Goatvulva’ (Werewolf Records)

You know, sometimes Jonny B wonders what sort of impression he gives us at ÜRHQ… especially when an album comes in with the description “This isn’t a satanic group, but an XXX rated porno speed noise” and the first reaction is “this is exactly what Jonny Bakes should be reviewing…” But our Cumbrian corresondent always claimed to have an open mind, so he’ll give his verdict on the resurrected entire discography of Goatvulva. Yes, all 53 minutes and 31 songs of it…

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