Author: Team Uber

Crown Of Glory – ‘Ad Infinitum’ (Fastball Music)

On this, their second album, Swiss crüe Crown Of Glory prove themselves to be one of those bands who can easily, and seemlessly, switch between different, but related, sub-genres, from the symphonic end of the power metal mien through moments of arena-filling lighter-waving AOR anthemics to soaring melodic rock interjections which uplift and energize, showcasing the ability of a band who are more than comfortable to deliver on every level on which they seek to do so…

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Atheos – ‘Words of Eroding Worlds’ (Niflhel Records)

It’s been seven years since five-piece Atheos released their debut album. They’ve since then been bringing together inspiration from their native Ireland, drawing upon elements of mythology and landscape to develop latest album ‘Words of Eroding Worlds’. Seeking to deliver their own take on the traditional death metal sound with big riffs, hard hitting drums and gutturals telling of dark folklore and ancient mysticism. Does the long-awaited album two deliver? Phil Cooper finds out…

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Death Valley Girls – ‘Under The Spell Of Joy’ (Suicide Squeeze)

Reading the press info on this latest album from dystopian glam punks DVG, John B had a feeling that he would like this album, but even with that expectation he was not prepared for how good this album actually is. It is so unique while still having a very solid grounding. Sometimes when an artist tries something that is a little out there, things get lost for the listener. JB doesn’t find any issue like that here. In fact what he hears is an album that is extremely well grounded in a few existing styles combined in unique ways that make ‘Under The Spell Of Joy’ one of his favourite albums he has heard this year. Fair warning, our man nothing but praise to say about this album so there will be gushing…

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