Author: Team Uber

Surma – ‘The Light Within’ (Metal Blade)

John B knows you hear this every time he gets sent a symphonic metal album but he is going to say it again: he loves symphonic metal! Few other genres can portray the same level of emotion and passion as you get with the big sweeping sound you get from symphonic metal. As far as metal genres go it is one of the most uplifting and naturally optimistic. There is so much range and creativity that can be done thanks to the scale of instrumentation that is at the artists’ fingertips, There is everything from soft sweeping movements to big powerful swells that can take your breath away. Our man is delighted to report Surma’s ‘The Light Within’ is an excellent example of the genre…

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Visions of Atlantis – ‘A Symphonic Journey to Remember’ (Napalm Records)

There’s been a bit of a string of high-profile live album releases in recent weeks which has been a bit of a bittersweet experience. While it’s great to be able to relive the live experience, it sure does make you long for that feeling of being back amongst the crowd. But alas, for now this is all we’ve got so we’d better make the most of it! This live release from Visions of Atlantis promises to be something a little bit special as well, so Jonny B guessed he’d better let himself get taken along with this “Journey to Remember”…

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been seven whole days since we last awarded our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title, and, despite the ongoing, and many cases renewed, lockdowns in many parts of the Überverse, we are still receiving a healthy bundle of submissions for our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title. Many of them are produced against the background of continuing quarantine conditions in some countries, while others reflect artists being able to return and flex their creative muscles once again…

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Über Rock Introduces… Seek Harbour

While there have been many negative aspects of the ongoing lockdowns, such as the absence of live gigs for the better part of the past seven months, one up side has been being able to use the extended periods of downtime to seek out new bands and new talent. One such recent discovery to come our way earlier this month was southern English metal crüe Seek Harbour and their latest single, ‘Sleepless Water’. With the band also celebrating a new management deal, Monk took the opportunity to find out a little bit more about the four guys, their background and the challenges of getting their product out there in the midst of a pandemic…

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Goo Goo Dolls – FanTracks Livestream – 24 October 2020

While he’s taken in quite a few live streams to get his music fix in the last 7.5 months he’s been shielded due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, this is the first DJ Astrocreep has actually reviewed one. Our normally travelling gigaholic caught the Goo Goo Dolls in Manchester not so long ago and was pleasantly surprised both by some of their catalogue he wasn’t otherwise aware of and the sheer uplifting atmosphere within the sweatbox of the Manchester Ritz, meaning the big lad had something tangible to compare the live stream setting to…

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