Chosen by Monk

The Uber Rock Approved stampMy latest choice sees Manchester songstress Amy Katt melding a smorgasbord of influences – heavy metal, emo, rock and dance – to produce a powerful and provocative – and, indeed, declarative – second single.

The project is centred around the special alchemy between long time collaborators Amy Chamberlain and Sam Hargraves, with Sam writing the music and laying down guitar, bass and drum tracks while Amy takes care of lyrics and melodies. Now on their second single, the duo feel at ease as they approach writing, the decision-making process streamlined and more direct as they don’t have the committee of a full band to sift through.

Building on the success of their lauded debut single, ‘Numb Again’, they return with a track that is urgent and fresh as its rips across its two-and-a-half-minute run time. Built around Amy’s signature vocals, walls of abrasive synths and molasses thick guitars help tear up the rule book as Amy and Sam splice genre and sounds. At the same time, Amy doesn’t shy away from confrontation in her lyrics, taking aim at those who might exploit or undervalue a partner in a relationship.