Author: UberAdmin

Devin Townsend – ‘Empath’ (Inside Out/HevyDevy)

Some 24 years and 25 albums since he first struck out after leaving the band of Steve Vai, Devin Townsend seems no closer to dialling back on the dials of sonic madness that has carried the maverick from Strapping Young Lad to the prolific solo output that sustains him to this day. Ever the master of reinvention, Devin has once again reshaped the wheel from the 2016 release from The Devin Townsend Project, ‘Transcendence’, to come out with something utterly baffling, mind-melting and undeniably insane.

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Headsticks – ‘Kept In The Dark’ (STP Records)

(Perhaps) surprisingly, Headsticks have not crossed ÜRHQ’s usually highly targeted rock ‘n’f’n’ roll radar until now… we must fix that glitch! Actually, we’re doing so right now, as this, the latest album from the Cheshire folk-punks has just kicked in the office door, walked up to our desk, spat in our face and asked “do we have your attention now, mofos?” Indeed, you do sirs, and thank you very much for introducing yerselves in such style.

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Black Paisley – ‘Perennials’ (Self-Released)

ÜR boss Monk is fascinated by the etymology of band names: he always has been and always probably will remain so… after all, a band’s chosen moniker can say a lot about them and help plot their chosen career course.  Would Led Zeppelin have made such an impact if they had remained The New Yardbirds? Or would Messrs Butler, Iommi, Osbourne and Ward gone on to change the shape of modern metal as the Polka Tulk Blues Band? Extremely doubtful… but, we digress… It was this very interest in the origins of names that led Monk to discover that this particular Swedish hard rock crüe take theirs from a certain signature guitar by one Richie Sambora… a massive clue as to what to expect between its grooves? Well, not quite…

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Baby Scream – ‘Things You Can Say To A Stranger’ (Ice Cream Man Records)

Despite their usually prodigious work rate – six albums, three EPs and five singles in their first decade of existence – it has been 18 surprisingly long months since we have been graced with new product from Argentinian power pop brigade Baby Scream. Their last output, 2017’s ‘Life’s A Trap’ was described in these hallowed pages as “the work of someone who clearly has a deep, deep love for his genre of music and that rare gift of knowing exactly how to deliver those goods”, with our then colleague going on to praise band founder and leading light Juan Pablo Mazzola as “a shining light in an ever-darkening world”.

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