Carousel Kings – ‘Plus Ultra’ (Victory Records)
For most people, pop-punk has a very specific time in their life to which it is closely connected. It brings to mind the years right around age 16 and usually the highlights of those years even if most of that time sucked. Back when you would lock your door and play your music too loud and just shut out the world for a while. Or when you are leaning against your locker and that girl you have been too afraid to talk to decides to say hello to you first. It was probably what you listened to two months later when you were getting over her dumping you for the guy with a nicer car. It is the escape from the crap that is your teenage years and later it becomes the highlights that lets you see the good that was there even if it was hidden back then. It reminds you of the lessens you learned to become who you are today. ‘Plus Ultra’ does tick all the boxes bringing to mind all the right feelings but without all the passion. It feels like it has added very little to the overall genre.
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