Chosen by Monk

“The Twelfth”, as it is known in this tiny corner of the Uberverse, is best known for bands of a different variety, but it seems somewhat inanely appropriate that I should choose a band from just down the road from ÜRHQ as my latest pick of the pops, as this veggie punk quartet from the town that also birthed the highly over-rated Snore Patrol feed us some #LeafyGreens with their latest tasty dish.

The band pulled up a pew at the Club bar to tell us a bit more about their latest appetizing treat:

[It] is a tongue and cheek commentary on the political culture in Northern Ireland.

It’s a call out to the redundancy of conditioned scapegoat energy, which is viewed with pride for many, who really don’t want the responsibility of the change required to move towards actual achievable peace. The reference to leafy greens, seizing the means of production and overthrowing the King came from a reflection on the irony how movements who’s core principles are compassion, can be viewed as threatening, shaking people’s cultivated identity to a point where it’s felt as some sort of enforced moral communism. An analysis that is as hilarious as it is potentially dangerous.

The song is taking the piss out of automatic identity responses and deflected passions. It calls to question how we manage to find comfort in conflict, and threat with peace. The song is ironic, contradictory, sarcastic and hypocritical. Anti propaganda, propaganda. A song that allows you to dance like a Stańczyk fool in the King’s court. Leafy Greens, we like our knees.