Chosen by Monk

There’s nothing suspect about my latest selection, and with the warmer weather we’ve been enjoying of late there’s no better time for a dose of ‘Summertime Voodoo’, the lead single from this Cape Cod crüe’s forthcoming new album, ‘As Above, So Below’, due for release on 19 July.

Frontman Jonny Stevens pulled up a stool at the Club bar and spilled the beans on the album:

If my life is a book, then this album is the first chapter that truly addresses the central conflict. The recognition of an ego, the problems its caused – and the birth of its death.

“As Above, So Below.” If I’m being real, I hit rock bottom again. After another close call with death, I feel wide awake. I don’t know how the book ends yet, but I’m very engaged in the plot now. I’d rather it not end at all. For the past few years I don’t think I gave a shit one way or the other. Like Thom once said – “for a minute there I lost myself.”

‘Summertime Voodoo’ is the introductory paragraph to this chapter. We didn’t know which song to put out first, so this time, instead of trying to guess which one sounds most like a single, we just decided it makes the most sense to start at the top of the story.”