Chosen by Monk

My latest selection comes from the boundary-expanding genre-redefining alt-rock artist known as De’Wayne, who is proving there is nothing synthesized in what he does – just a passion for expanding those boundaries and redefining those generic terminologies in a way few have attempted since Prince melded metal and funk with hip-hop and pure unadulterated pop ethics.

Celebrating his signing to Fearless Records, he popped both the champagne and a missive to the ÜR massive to tell us a bit more about his latest single:

synthesizer’ is a love letter to my best friend.

Sometimes, it’s easier to say these things in a song rather than in person. I was inspired by The Commodores, who wrote ‘Brick House’ about the perfect woman — in their eyes.

I wanted to take the word synthesizer and make it SEXY and give it a new meaning. To anyone who listens to this, I hope they find the synthesizer in their life.