Chosen by Monk

No, it’s not The Beast or The Dark Destroyer. It’s not even The Governess or The Vixen. No, it’s the SoCal melodic punk combo made up of childhood friends Mike LeDonne (vocals), Jesse Stopnitzky (bass/vocals), Bill Hockmuth (guitar) and Davey Guy (drums), who are drawing ‘Fault Lines’ across the rock ‘n’ roll Überverse with this latest taster of their first new album in three years:

The guys stopped by the Singles Club for a quick pint and a natter, during which they explained a bit more about the song:

‘Fault Lines’ is a metaphor for walking that unstable, fine line between being on the right track in life and falling into a dark place. As well as being aware of our own faults and being accountable and honest with ourselves.

The song tackles the age-old battle of mind against matter. It challenges the listener to rise above their short comings, vices, and inherent faults, and to influence a positive change in their lives. It is relatable to anyone who has ever doubted their ability to tackle personal obstacles, fallen to rock bottom, and strived to get their feet back on stable ground.

It’s about not giving in to what fate seems to have planned for you, and about finding stability both mentally and physically. In these trying times, we all walk a fragile line, but ultimately, your fate is not predetermined, and you decide the life you want to see.

Turning their attention to the album itself, the guys told me:

Artwork for Small Victories by ChaserThe title, ‘Small Victories’, holds a special meaning for us that we felt compelled to share with our listeners. In life, we are continuously presented with challenges, each to our own degree. Managing our personal struggles, we tend to beat ourselves up when the outcome is not as perfect as we envisioned. Instead, let’s learn to appreciate and revel in the small wins that occur on a daily basis. They each carry weight and over time, have the potential to add up to greatness!

The cover art [right] was drawn by Sebas Theriault of Sterio Design. It depicts rough seas representing the everchanging highs and lows, and ebbs and flows of life. We’re all navigating these waters trying to weather the storm and reach stable ground. Through it all, just remember, we steer our own ship and we control our destiny. We’re not flawless, we’re only mortal, but we’re all in this together.

  • ‘Small Victories’ will be released on June 28 via SBÄM Records in the ÜK and Europe, Thousand Islands Records in North America and Pee Records in Australia.