Author: Team Uber

Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders ‘Keepin’ Chaos At Bay’ (Hound Gawd! Records)

Pat Todd has spent decades trawling and trolling the dark corners and dusty shelves of the back alley thrift stores of Americana, picking and choosing from influences such as Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Neil Young, the Allman Boys to Tom Waits, Hank Williams to the Wilson brothers in an endeavour to distill all of his education and garnered knowledge into a single, career-defining, genre-scoffing dose of ’70s punk rock, country, blues and roots rock… in a bid to keep all the chaos at bay by producing one chaotic rock ‘n’ roll album that sums up everything he knows and has learned about the artform…

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Accept ‘Humanoid’ (Napalm Records)

There are bands from whom you know more or less exactly what to expect each and every time they release a new album. Iron Maiden with their epic lyrical thematics and galloping bass riffs. AC/DC with their basic four-four mid-paced rock ‘n’ roll bravura. Anvil with their tongue-in-cheek-to-cheek no-nonsense sense of fun. Rammstein with their OTT camp take on industrialism. And, of course, Accept, with their traditional balls to the wall (sic) fuck you if you don’t like it Teutonic cross between old school and thrash miens. So, why fuck the formula. Well, thankfully the now crossbred German-American titans do not do so with this, their 17th studio album in their almost 50-year long career, as while it addresses some very modern themes it remains the sort of traditional heavy metal opus we have come to expect and love from the band.

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Steve Conte ‘The Concrete Jangle’ (Wicked Cool Records)

Over the course of more than more decades than he perhaps cares to remember, a period which has nonetheless seen him develop an extremely justified reputation as one of the most respected, not to mention hardest working figures on the glunk scene, resulting in a rock ‘n’ roll CV that includes a six-year stint, covering four albums and a seemingly never-ending world tour with the New York Dolls, and a further four albums alongside Michael Monroe, as well as stints in Company Of Wolves, Crown Jewels and The Crazy Truth, not to mention his various solo projects, there is no doubting Steve Conte’s ability to turn his hand to a decent rock ‘n’ roll tune or ten. Now, almost four years after his last solo outing – not that he’s been quiet in the interim, no sirree Stevie boy – he’s back with a stonking new set of recordings – and a few very good friends along for the ride, not least in the case of former XTC mainstay Andy Partridge who co-wrote exactly half of the ten Übertastic toons featured on this magnificent collection…

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