Author: Team Uber


It’s hard to believe that it’s been seven whole days since we last awarded our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title, and, despite the ongoing, and some cases renewed, lockdowns in many parts of the Überverse, we are still receiving a healthy bundle of submissions for our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title. Many of them are produced against the background of continuing quarantine conditions in some countries, while others reflect artists being able to return and flex their creative muscles once again.

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Various Artists – ‘Fangs Volume 2’ (Mongrel Records)

Are you sat there quite convinced that the only thing that South Africa has to offer to the alternative music scene is Die Antwoord? Well, prepare yourself to be proven completely wrong (again) as I get myself stuck into another compilation album of African metal. Considering Jonny B’s last foray into African metal (Botswanan to be specific) was pretty successful, there was no way he could turn down the opportunity to pick up the second volume of ‘Fangs’, which showcases what the African metal underground has to offer…

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