By Bona Pjarren

Artwork for Een Verloren Verhaal by VanaheimVanaheim are a Dutch folk metal outfit concentrating particularly on ancient Germanic paganism. I originally heard them live when I covered HRH Vikings and managed to get an interview with them. I remember them being highly entertaining when I caught them. ‘Een Verloren Verhaal’ (‘A Lost Story’) is their first full length album and is a self release, so I was quite looking forward to getting into it. It is also a double album, so let’s start with disc one.

‘Uit Steen Geslagen’, or ‘Knocked Out Of Stone’, is a massive introductory track not only because it is nearly ten minutes long but because of the orchestral treatment that the track has been given. There are plenty of ideas that have been thrown into the mix which keeps it fresh. Beautiful folky elements entwine with extreme metal. Altogether it makes for an impressive first track.

‘Onbevangen’, or ‘Open Minded’ is next up and steams straight in with an onslaught of drumming from Bram Trommelen. Zino van Leerdam’s vocals are incredible and really add a darkness to this very melodic track. There are some very nice classically inspired keyboard tracks which really make this track feel epic. ‘Rusteloos’ means restless and has a fantastic folk vibe to it. Vanaheim have made really good use of the various session musicians that they have drafted in to record this album. Rusteloos has some very catchy musical ideas thrown into the mix.

‘Reuzenspraak’ translates as ‘Giant’s Speech’ and has a take no prisoners approach to it’s construction, accentuated by the tight rhythmic interplay of Mike Seidal’s bass and Bram Trommlen’s drums. Zino van Leerham’s vocal range is particularly on display here with both clean and extreme vocals. There is also some impressive guitar work from Michael van Eck. ‘Verloren’ means lost and is essentially a folk styled ballad where Zino can show off his clean vocals. It gives a nice break from the epic feel of the rest of the album with its acoustic arrangement.

‘Gevallen In De Nacht’ translates as ‘Fallen In The Night and is another epic orchestral metal track that builds into a crescendo of sound. It is a massive soundscape that even Therion would be proud of. Again they have made full use of the various session musicians that they had at their disposal. It is a track that is packed with musical ideas, nice choral washes and consequently has a classical feeling to its execution.

That concludes the review of the main album. My understanding is that disc two is bonus material, so let us have a look at this next. ‘Folkestral’ is its title and it seems to be instrumental variations on a theme or remixes of four of the tracks featured on the main disc.

I have to say I really enjoyed this album: it is epic in its concept, packed full of ideas and is a thoroughly easy listen with plenty of hooks to keep the listeners attention.

‘Een Verloren Verhaal’ is out now. You can get your copy HERE.

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