Chosen by Monk

My latest choice is the new cut from Canadian melodic skatepunks The Corps, who examine personal and societal issues through the lens of the DC comic book universe, this time unleashing the ‘Dog Of War’ with their first release with their new line-up.

The four-piece – Dan Garrison (lead vocals, guitar), Morgan Farrell (guitar, vocals), Dave Derksen (bass, vocals) and Dan Stenning (drums, vocals) – said of the track:

The comic book mask of ‘Dog of War’ is about Orion, the son of Darkseid. He was raised by his enemy Highfather as part of an exchange with his son Scott Free, so a peace treaty could be formed between the two nemeses.

The song itself embodies the height of the inevitable rage that consumes a person who’s been living their life with no recognizable traits or practices. Knowing you’re an alien, knowing you’re different.