Chosen by Monk

My latest choice takes us deep into the heart of the Texan desert to get our fortunes told on the title track of the second album, also released this very day, from these uncompromising Austin doom/stoner rockers.

Vocalist Ryan Garney told us a bit more about how the track, along the with the rest album, found its life in the studio:

[It] came together in the studio when Phil [Hook] started playing the drum beat as a joke. We were all laughing until Rusty [Miller] ripped into the intro guitar riff, and within an hour we had the music completely written. What you hear on ‘Palm Reader’ is what we created in real time, and it’s not like anything we’ve written before. We knew right away it needed to make it on the album, and it really showcases the spontaneous creativity behind the entire record.

Deciding to record the whole thing live without a click track while creating new songs after getting off the road allowed this to be an album that’s helping mold what High Desert Queen is becoming.