By Monk

The Uber Rock Approved stampYou have to be a long-time devotee of Über Rock and our various spoutings to recall my love for this coalition of blue-collar redneck rockers from the deep south of the good ol’ USof A, as it has been four long years since they last graced these pages – and devastated our stereo in the process.

Yes, it’s hard to believe that we’ve had to survive a global pandemic and various other shenanigans since Big Daddy Ritch and his band of bikers, outlaws, troubadours and hellraisers last destroyed our speakers.. but, boy, are they back and kicking rawk ‘n’f’n’ roll arse… well, of course they feckin’ are…

Coming across like an unapologetic cross between classic Skynyrd and .38 Special mixed with the deep NOLA aggression of groove-era Pantera jamming on a mix of moonshine and red diesel, THC don’t hold back in any department, mixing mudhole-stomping riffage with heart-pumping harmonies and volcanic vocals that ooze and seep over you with the inexorable inevitability of the knowledge that you are going to succumb to their unrepentant groove sooner rather than later.

There’s not much more I can say about THC that I haven’t said before: they neither give nor accept any bullshit, but concentrate on delivering a straight down the line, take no prisoners, kick every ass and drink every beer in sight hard rockin’ ‘n’ rollin’ album. And, yet again, they’ve done just that, and to stupendous effect.

If you haven’t signed up to join the THC, then you need to do so, right here and right now. This is one party who deliver on their promises. Now, unleash the hell hounds and pass me two more cold ones while I watch them rip the world a new one…

  • All content © Über Rock. Not to be reproduced in part or in whole without the express written permission of Über Rock.