By Jonny Bakes

Artwork for Galactic Slope by Taxi CavemanDoes anyone else ever remember that cartoon Captain Caveman? Well just like the eponymous character in that show, this caveman related band also got lost in time (and by time, I mean the depths of my inbox) but nevertheless, I managed to dredge them up for a ride through the cosmos. I may be a little late to the party but it’s never too late to kick back and relax with a bit of slow and steady stoner music to take the load off after a gruelling day of existing in this current climate. So I sat back in my comfy chair, paid my fare to the Taxi Caveman and settled in for half an hour of chilled vibes…

Hailing from Warsaw, Poland, Taxi Caveman are relative newcomers to the scene, with their debut self-titled album hitting the streets only last year, but have already started to catch people’s attention with their blend of doom, psych, classic rock and sludge that is a fine balance of seriously heavy yet mellow. There’s more of the same ahead for the descent into the ‘Galactic Slope’ too, although things are taking a more progressive turn with the album broken up into just two 15 minute tracks as opposed to the more radio friendly song lengths of the majority of those on the debut release.

To be honest, the two tracks – ‘…And The Druids Turn To Sand’ and ‘Death Cards’ – seem to blend into one long piece of music making it difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. Both of them ebb and flow as you follow the cosmic voyage via the medium of slow heavy riffs that are occasionally interspersed with gruff vocalisations. Could you listen to each one in isolation? Yeah, you possibly could, but I’m not sure I could accurately tell you which one was playing if you did. Both of them have an almost droning background of low and slow riffs that vary slightly in tempo but have this way of sucking you in so that you get lost in the music somewhat – a perfect accompaniment for a dark room.

It’s not something that is going to get a wild night of partying going, but it does certainly work for some slow headbanging in an almost hypnotic state. If you like your music to make you lose all sense of time and reality, then ‘Galactic Slope’ could be just the thing for you as that is certainly how I felt. After closing my eyes and focusing solely on the music, my mind wandered through some pretty vivid scenes through space and time!

Not something for everyone, but certainly will appeal to a select group of people I reckon. For me, this will possibly be a one off listen as I don’t see this breaking into my regular plays. ‘Galactic Slope’ is something that would be very mood specific for me as I tend to try and keep my music energetic to power through the day!

  • ‘Galactic Slope’ is out now. You can get your copy HERE.

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