By Tim Bolitho-Jones

Artwork for Sickness Divine by Red DeathCrossover thrash time! Washington-based four-piece Red Death just made the jump to a major by signing with Century Media and ‘Sickness Divine’ is their first release on the label. Custom built to satisfy mosh lovers, it’s a brisk and energetic record and will no doubt trigger a circle pit or two at a future Hellfest. They take their inspiration from the usual suspects like Slayer and the Cro-Mags and while they don’t exactly open a brave new world for thrash, for nuts and bolts metal that’ll get heads banging they don’t put a foot wrong.

The album opens with a subdued melodic intro and for the first minute, is relatively sedate. But then the title track’s redneck stomp comes blaring through the speakers and all trace of subtlety is unceremoniously booted out the window. Thick, chunky riffs abound while singer Chad Troncale takes time off from his day job as Robb Flynn’s voice double to bellow over the top. It’s a pummelling introduction that both punks and metalheads will dig and it’s only the opening salvo.

‘Face The Pain’ comes next and is just as antagonistic as its predecessor. It recalls scene stalwarts Warbringer and has a couple of vocal hooks destined to be chanted by a heaving live crowd. ‘Sword Without A Sheath’ keeps the haymakers coming before a well-placed instrumental in the shape of ‘The Anvil’s Ring’ offers a brief interlude. It’s only the light tickle of a feather that precedes a horse-shoe in the face however, things ratchet up a gear again very quickly. ‘Sheep May Unsafely Graze’ is another fist-pumping, neck-wrecking thrasher and it’s followed by album highlight ‘Path Of Discipline,’ a song which brings to mind Power Trip at their catchiest.

Later, ‘Ravage’ and ‘(Refuse To Be) Bound By Chains’ are straight-up macho aggression, while the closing ‘Exhalation Of Decay’ plays with an extended intro before ending the record on a squealing, fast-paced finale. It’s all up-tempo, aggressive box-ticking and it’s definitely the most “out for a fight” album to cross our desks this past month.

On the flipside, it’s quite short and while it’s almost double the length of their little-heard debut album, you could still play the entire thing on your lunch break and have time left over to pick up a Subway. A couple of the tracks could maybe do with tightening up and they’re not quite in the same league as the other bands name-checked in this review, however there’s still a noticeable improvement on their previous material, despite the comparatively brief time that’s passed (it’s only been two years since their last one came out). Red Death are not the new kings of crossover, but they’re pumped-up and enthusiastic and on the strength of ‘Sickness Divine,’ some of their heroes should start looking over their shoulders.

  • ‘Sickness Divine’ is released on Friday (29 November). You can get your copy HERE.

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