By Monk

Artwork for Scar Weaver by Once HumanIn the past, the role of women in heavy metal has been criminally underplayed in what has been traditionally a male-dominated musical genre and societal force. However, I use the term “in the past” both cautiously and deliberately, because, slowly and inexorably, the tide has been turning, as women have proven themselves more than capable of overcoming the male dominance which has perceptively inhibited their progression, and have now reached the point – as artists such as Angela Gossow, Alissa White-Gluz, Lauren Tate, Justine Jones, Melissa Bonny, Tatiana Shmailyuk, among so many others, have demonstrated, and continue to do so – that they can stand chest to chest, face to face, toe to toe with their male counterparts and declare, loudly and proudly, “bring it on because I AM as good, if not better, than you”.

It is a point which Once Human vocalist Lauren Hart once again makes, with the impact of a sledgehammer to your nuts, as she goes head-to-head with another primal heavy metal force, Robb Flynn, and slaps him defiantly in the face, leaving him whimpering like a puppy who’s just done a shit on your new white carpet and is seeking a redemption he knows won’t be forthcoming. It’s also a glorious turning of the circle as OH founder and guitarist Logan Mader once stood alongside Flynn before setting out on the path that has led to this, a hugely passionate, redemptive and sincere slice of melodeath the likes of which it will be hard to better this year.

‘Scar Weaver’ is an album wracked with pain and suffering. It is album of emotions laid bare. It is an album that assaults as much as it embraces. It brutalizes as much as it cajoles, haunts as much as it taunts. It is elegant and eloquent, yet punishing and unrepentant. Unyielding and unforgiving, emotionally raw yet protective. Enveloping and cathartic, it touches every molecule of your being.

‘Scar Weaver’ penetrates deep into the soul with impassioned intent. It is also an album that reflects the spirit of evolution, with Hart’s stunning vocal performance, coupled with the increased intensity of the music, encapsulating the anger, angst and sense of defiance which the past 24+ months of Covidications have imbued and integrated into us all.

This is metal at is most uncompromising.

  • ‘Scar Weaver’ is released tomorrow (Friday 11 February). You can get your copy HERE.

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