Author: UberAdmin

Cockwomble – ‘Conspiracy’ EP (Self-Released)

Brighton punk upstarts Cockwomble certainly are busy little beavers. Monk first came across them when their second EP, ‘All Of The Money! None Of The Style!’, popped through the letterbox at URHQ last November. He was pretty impressed, with his review drawing comparisons to Bow Wow Wow, the Pistols, The Ramones and even Suicidal Tendencies, and leading me to proclaim them as strong contenders for one of the best young bands on the British punk scene. Now, not hanging about or resting on their laurels, they are back with their third recorded offering…

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Brant Bjork – ‘Jacoozi’ (Heavy Psych Sounds)

There is barely a soul alive who has contributed to stoner rock more than Brant Bjork. One-time drummer of Kyuss and Fu Manchu, Brant has been (quite literally) instrumental in forging the ambiance behind the desert rock scene of stoner, his contributions popping up time and again with some of the genre’s most notable names, as well as an expansive solo discography which includes purely solo releases like the seminal ‘Jalamanta’ and ‘Local Angel’, or collaborations with groups like the Bros (‘Saved By The Magic’, ‘Somera Sol’) and The Low Desert Punk Band (‘Black Flower Power’). With such an extensive back catalogue it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that some projects and releases have remained in the vaults over his career, ‘Jacoozi’ representing material that had been originally mooted for solo release around 2010, shortly before the Kyuss! Lives reunion project took off, leaving the record gathering dust.

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Saboteurs – ‘Dance With The Hunted’ (Self-Released)

Growing up in an East Midlands market town and struggling with the mundanities of life, Saboteurs are no stranger to bottling things up till they are ready to explode; but thankfully they have found a positive outlet for these emotions by pouring them into their debut full length album. The band are a big mixing pot of genres, mainly a fusion of alt-rock, punk and acoustic.

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