Author: Team Uber

Professor And The Madman – ‘Séance’ (Fullertone Records)

Having discovered Professor and the Madmen on being sent their previous album, ‘Disintegrate Me’, it was refreshing for DJ Astrocreep to hear the surf-punk supergroup live at their only full performance together (later released as a live album), which truly caught the joy and vibe of the evening. Knowing that Alfie and Sean, as the main songwriters and prolific tourers stateside, don’t like being constricted by the traditional punk sound, despite being so heavily involved in it for so long, the big lad was left with a genuine curiosity for what they would diversify into with this new release…

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Dark Tranquillity – ‘Moment’ (Century Media)

JOhn B knows melodic death metal is a very well established genre and that he has reviewed a lot of it, but every time he puts on a new melodic death metal album, especially from a band he have not listened too before, it just feels like this absolute breath of fresh air. No matter how many years pass, the genre as a whole still feels so unique and inspiring as the day he first was introduced to it. Needless to say, he likes melodic death metal a lot. So, with all that being said, how do Dark Tranquillity stack up with ‘Moment’? Well, they definitely don’t disappoint.

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been seven whole days since we last awarded our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title, and, despite the ongoing, and some cases renewed, lockdowns in many parts of the Überverse, we are still receiving a healthy bundle of submissions for our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title. Many of them are produced against the background of continuing quarantine conditions in some countries, while others reflect artists being able to return and flex their creative muscles once again. After careful consideration of the 100-plus submissions we once again received this week – and, yes, we did watch them all – our winning selection is something different from what you might expect…

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Kimono Drag Queens – ‘Songs of Worship’ (Copper Feast)

Let’s face it, it’s been a pretty tough year for everyone, but the music industry has been hit really hard by this ridiculous year we seem to have found ourselves trapped in. For a band releasing their debut album this could either be a terrible time to try and release because everyone is burnt out, or it could be the perfect time because no one has anything better to do than stay at home and listen to new music. Kimono Drag Queens are definitely hoping to capitalise on the latter with their debut album ‘Songs of Worship’ with a psychedelic nature that is bound to provide an escape from your four walls for a while.

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Alter Bridge – ‘Walk The Sky 2.0’ (Napalm Records)

Alter Bridge are the first to admit that this mini album (for want of a better description) is most definitely a stopgap offering to keep fans interested in the band and their brand. Like a lot of acts, the AB boys found their global touring plans suddenly grinding to a stop when the beer bug pandemic gripped the Überverse and sent everyone scurrying for cover. With live music irrefutably the most missed victim of the ongoing lockdowns, bands have had to find new and imaginative ways of interacting with their fans – or just surviving. Now, this is not the most creative of those solutions, in fact it is something of a well-trodden path, but needs must when necessity calls, and thus we are presented with this, six live recordings of fan favourite songs from the band’s last album, plus one brand new song, recorded within the strictures of social distancing…

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