Author: Team Uber

Dave Jakes – ‘Dave Jakes’ (By The Time It Gets Dark)

In the interest of full disclosure, this is not an album John B would have ever picked up for himself. Living where he does, in the backwoods of the American south, when he sees a self-titled album with the cover art being a dude and a trailer, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume it is country and back away as fast as possible. However, our man in Kentucky going to have to borrow from an old cliche, as he probably should stop judging albums by their covers because Dave Jakes has delivered a very pleasant surprise…

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The King’s Head – ‘The King’s Head’ (Wormholedeath Records)

There is a lot here that John B should like but unfortunately, he found himself very bored. While the album does play nicely in the background while working or doing other things, there is not much here to really demand your attention or keep JB all that interested. It is a rather simple album which is not necessarily a bad thing, but he often found himself wanting it to go somewhere and it never really did. Actually, it felt quite repetitive with little evolution. It is a shame really because there is a lot of potential here…

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Matt Boroff – ‘Beautiful Machine’ (Self-Released)

When the PR involved sent across the ‘Future Crimes’ single, DJ Astrocreep was pretty interested in hearing more of what Matt Boroff had, though it’s fair to say the big lad wasn’t expecting quite what the album actually contains. A deliberately jarring couple of tracks, put in to almost cleanse your musical palette of what you’ve just heard, alongside ups, downs, and all-around – allow him to go into more detail…

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Zeahorse – ‘Let’s Not (And Say We Did)’ (Copper Feast Records)

John B’s first gut reaction was that this was not going to be an album he would fall in love with but as time went on it began to grow on him. At the risk of sounding like a snob, JB normally prefers things to be a little more refined with more of a feeling of a sense of direction than is here at first glance. That being said, with further listening the noise started to clear away to become something he could dig into better. The structure of the tracks began to make sense and, honestly, he began to like what he was hearing…

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been seven whole days since we last awarded our coveted ‘Video Of The Week’ title, and a lot has happened in the Überverse, with many parts of the Über Kingdom once again being lockdown with the most severe of restrictions and everything that these bring with them, including yet more cancelled live shows (including livestreams) and Christmas arguably ruined for many people.

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