By Jase Walker

Poster for ArcTanGent 2022 final line-upI wasn’t going to have much other than a footnote for Wednesday at ATG due to the lack of much music happenings this particular day but I’d be mad if I didn’t make at least some sort of entry for how outrageously amazing Luo are.

I’ve only really dropped along out of curiosity from what is listened to prior to coming to ATG but Luo have really blown me away with their electronica infused approach to jazzy music. Each song is carried by incredibly intricate drum grooves and a myriad of instruments carrying the melody ranging from synths to guitars. This sort of arrangement is no stranger to people who are familiar with the likes of The Algorithm or Nordic Giants.

What amounts to a two person outfit, one on drums (and a sizable kit at that) and a melody instrument proficient, the noise coming from this act is far greater than the sum of its parts. You’ve got some songs that are a mixture of various pitched bleep-bloop type sounds, to overdriven guitars and tasteful piano parts. A short set but an enthralling one nonetheless.

After some time and many beverages later, I figured it was also a good chance to catch The St. Pierre Snake Invasion, a weird act but worthwhile watching. Mixing punk with sort of mathy sensibilities, I wasn’t going to pass off seeing these here after a few too many chances with them playing Manchester. Admittedly the sound is a bit quiet with comparison to what you’d expect at a festival, they’re still delivering the energy for an ATG Wednesday.

It’s pretty evident that The St. Pierre Snake Invasion don’t care that it’s just Wednesday for ATG, they’re giving everything to this performance and it translates well to the crowd. An energetic, frantic and fun show with bouncy songs that saw the Wednesday crowd really letting loose and getting into the festival mindset.

A fantastic way to greet the ATG weekend from the middle of the week, and with the silent disco coming right after, I don’t think I could have wanted a better way to get ATG started.

  • ArcTanGent returns to Fernhill Farm over the weekend of 16 – 20 August 2023. You can get your tickets HERE.

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