By Monk

Poster for Anvil @ Voodoo, Belfast, 8 October 2022There are some bands, and some gigs, where you know exactly what to expect, ‘cos it is written large in that expectation. Anvil are just one of those bands, and this, their third appearance in this small corner of the Überverse in as many tours, one of those gigs…

With events, including DQ being laid low with exhaustion, conspiring against us to miss the opening bands (and you know that we at ÜR always like to support the lower order acts), we arrive literally as Anvil hit the stage – or not, in the case of Lips who, as is his wont, is already front and centre of the action, in the middle of the moshpit for his trademark rendition of equally trademark opener ‘March Of The Crabs’.

Anvil are one of those bands who know that if it ain’t broke it don’t need fixed, and there is no need to fuck with a tried and tested formula, and so, with the exception of a couple of tracks from latest album ‘Impact Is Imminent‘ (the title track of which mysteriously draws some random boos during Lips’ reference to Canuck PM “Justin Trudope”), the setlist is almost identical to that of their Covid-aborted 2020 ‘Legal At Last’ tour as classic ‘banger follows classic ‘banger, from ‘666’ to ‘Bad Ass Rock ‘n’ Roll’ to the Chris Robertson led majesty of ‘Winged Assassins’ to the ever anthemic ‘Metal On Metal’.

This was Anvil as you expect them. Yes, we’re heard all the cracks before, from the reference to the audience’s age profile – and it’s great to see so many younger fans (probably drawn by youthful openers Mortal Backlash, themselves in the thick of the pit action) really letting loose to tunes first released before they were an evil glint in their grandparents’ eyes – to stories about touring with Lemmy and Metallica. Yes, the trademark dildo is produced for the in(s)ane ‘Mothra’ solo. Yes, there’s Rob Reiner’s magnificent extended drum solo. Yes, there’s gurning (on the part of both the band and the fans) aplenty.

But, that’s Anvil. Pure and simple. A band who live up to their name, delivering old school heavy metal that is hard and heavy. Impact is not imminent: it is already devastating the Über Kingdom. So, do yerself a favour and grab a ticket for one of the remaining dates. You most definitely will not be disappointed.

Anvil 2022 UK tour poster

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