Chosen by Monk
These North Carolina rebel rousers literally #ScreamForRock with the release of their second album, of which this is a perhaps surprisingly low-key but nevertheless energetic taster, delivered acoustic style:
Speaking about the band’s blue collar ethos, vocalist Alan Rueda proudly proclaims:
Rock is not dead, and [we are] proof of that, no pun intended. We plug into the amps and crank it up and scream loud. To me, it’s just pure rock and roll at it’s truest form.
Guitarist Bill Spears added about the band dynamic:
When these five guys get together, there is that inexplicable vibe that only needs a simple label to describe it… straight up rock ‘n’ roll. Rock ‘n’ roll bands need that undeniable force of a captivating front man, guitar heroes, and songs people can relate to but most importantly a rock ‘n’ roll band needs swagger. That swagger is what I love most about being in this band. What we do onstage and how that vibe was captured on this album is just so cool to me.
- ‘Scream For Rock‘ is out now.