Chosen by Monk

These proto-psych proggies are igniting a #SolarFlare with the latest fiery taster of their fourth studio album, which will see them share sonic #SilverAndGold this coming Friday:

Speaking to ÜRHQ about the single, lead guitarist Richie Tarver told me:

‘Solar Flare’ was a song that really spearheaded the overall vibe and musical direction of the album in terms of the arrangements and riffs. This was the first skeleton demo I wrote ahead of the other tracks on the album during the height of the pandemic. And as far as songwriting goes, this was a great time. With the external world on pause, I could focus on the internal, and this craft, and the riffs just started to pour out. And they were all generally born from this dark, but devil-may-care place that just lent some added confidence to the attack.

Vocalist Brandon Kistler added:

As [with] several other songs on our album, this one came out of the pandemic. We all had to come to terms with a lot of things during that time, and in some ways we still are. The beginning intro and wail are representative of that coming out period. The lyrics are pretty straightforward: “wake up and face the day…” We can’t hide from who we are and should confront it and deal with it because “you can’t run away”.

  • Silver And Gold‘ will be released via Ripple Music on Friday (7 March).