Chosen by Monk

The Uber Rock Approved stampMy latest choice sees me back on ÜR’s home turf with this latest offering, so hot off the presses that it’s still smoking, from a Northern Ireland band who are definitely – and defiantly – rising from the ruins and ticking all our aural boxes – at least ‘Until We’re Gone’ from here (which hopefully won’t be for some time yet!).

Only formed a little more than a year ago, this five-piece from the otherwise unremarkable County Antrim town of Ballymoney, hit the ground running at the tail end of 2023, when they exorcised their ‘Inner Demons‘ with their debut three-track EP, whch at the time I described as displaying a confidence and maturity which contradicted the brevity of their existence. With the follow-up on its way, these youngsters are certainly building on their initial momentum and showing that it won’t be long before they are a force with which to be reckoned on both the local and wider metal scenes.