By Monk

Artwork for Imploding by The Empty PageIt seems to be my week for catching up with bands who have been off the scene for variously extended times, as this particular musical page has been devoid of any script for almost eight years… but, these Mancunian alt-pun reprobates are delivering exactly the opposite of their “comeback” album title by exploding back into life with an album which also exemplifies the name of the label on which they have chosen to release it…

While very much retaining the angular urgency of the band’s 2016 debut. ‘Imploding’ also reflects the time of consideration and reflection which the intervening period has undoubtedly afforded them, coupled with the sense of renewal obviously injected by a revamping of their lineup, via the recruitment of Blossoms drummer John Simm, who very obviously has injected a sense of fresh energy into the band’s overall sound.

Having said that, TEP also manage to retain a sense of dark, gothic morbidity, as exemplified on the highly claustrophobic ‘Level Sedentary (I sure wouldn’t want to be trapped in a lift with this playing on repeat – not even Eli Roth would want to be filming the filming that scene!). Contrast this to the dark but joyous winding riff of ‘Big Nasty Palpitations’, coupled with Kel Page’s effervescent Kate Bush-meets-Tracey Thorn vocal and guitarist Giz’s jarry Johnny Marr style janglings, and you have an idea as to how many different levels on which this album operates.

A highly interesting listen, which needs several spins to even partially understand. Personally, I seriously doubt if I will come back to explore its musical maze again, but I am sure there are many who will gladly get lost therein.

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