Author: Team Uber


Folk prog legends Jethro Tull are about to release their 24th album in their six decade long career, so what better time to sit down with the band’s iconoclastic and erudite founder and frontman to share some curious ruminations about the release, its origins and the state of play with both the band and the state of the live scene for so-called “heritage” bands? There’s none really, so let’s dive in and get the conversation started…

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The Über Rock Singles Club – Feverish February (Part Two)

Such has been the level of productivity across the rock and metal Überverse that some of you may have noticed that the Club is opening on a weekly basis, just to keep up with the sheer quantity of quality (see, you can have both) releases that are burning our eardrums at the moment. So, let’s cut the crap and get on with spinning those deathdecks…

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