Chosen by Monk

The Uber Rock Approved stampMy latest choice cut comes from a new band featuring a man for whom I amazed there are enough hours in the day to cater for all the various projects in which he is involved… Michael Smyth, something of a fairly ubiquitous figure on the Belfast scene, seems to have been in more bands than some of us have had pints on a Saturday night, but as if that wasn’t enough to keep him busy he is one of the hardest working promoters and press agents I know… and he even created the artwork for this, the debut single from his latest musical endeavour!

Broncos reach back to late 90’s/early 2000’s post-hardcore for inspiration, eschewing rose-tinted nostalgic romanticism for joyous reckless abandon. As the indie-dahhhlings of the time, Pretty Girls Make Graves, crooned: “do you remember when you could not put it away?”. It’s this sentiment that Broncos bring to their music: the unbridled and uncomplicated joy in making music with, and as, friends.