Chosen by Monk

Fresh from his collaboration with the soon to be defrocked Hip Priests, the Irish punk poet shows that, despite the fact he is #CountingSheep, he won’t be sending us to sleep any time soon, but rather forcing us to sit up and take notice as he gears up for the release of his second album.

The artist popped into the Club for a quick half of Guinness, accompanied by a detailed explanation of the background to the characteristically politically-charged and condemnatory song:

[It] was written about the daily grind of working full time your whole life 40 hours a week for a fraction of what you’re making for somebody else, all while you still struggle to pay the bills and maintain a side hobby.

I am not calling the average worker a sheep as I’d be calling myself one too but what I’m trying to say with this track is art is important and when we don’t have a government supporting what we are all truly good at you’ll end up signing your life away to these big corporate companies and you’ll never do what you’re meant to do in life. You’ll blink and it’ll be over.

Its also highlighting the fact every single politician in this country is a landlord and these are the people voting to abolish the eviction ban, which since being lifted has caused thousands of families to be kicked onto the already busy streets. It’s another reminder that these crooks in charge are getting away with what they want while we are being distracted to fight against each other. All they want is to keep us fighting among ourselves when we should be fighting back against them.

  • Songs For The Deceased‘ will be released on 25 October through Venn Records.
  • Meryl Streek tours in October/November:

Meryl Streek 2024 tour poster