Chosen by Monk

Artwork for Home Is Where The Hate by The Hip PriestsEven though the Priests, who at one time could have been regarded as the Singles Club’s “house band” such were their prolific appearances in these pages, are calling it a day and staggering off into the sunset in November they’re still kicking and screaming into the dying light with this, their last ever single release…

From ‘Welcome To Shit Island’ through to their gargantuan nine-minute ‘No Time Like Right Now’, the Hipsters have never shied away from picking a side, resisted nailing their black denim to the mast nor held back from trying to be part of the solution. Their final single ‘Home Is Where The Hate Is’ is another raging S.O.S. from Shit Island, Grave Britain, the Un-united Kingdom.

As the Priests defiantly declare: we’re drowning in sleaze in putrid piss-full seas and now red faced, ten-watt brain, flesh monsters are taking their misguided hate to the streets.

 More than ably assisted by their mate Meryl Streek, the Priests again have some something to say, something to scream as they rage into the dark light of retirement: