By Monk

Artwork for Leave A Scar by Dee SniderColourful. Yes. Divisive. Most certainly. Outspoken. Perhaps outrageously so. Passionate. Definitely, and defiantly so. Uncompromising. Undeniably so. A man who long ago gave up counting the number of fucks that fly past his window. A man who doesn’t care what people think about him, but cares about one thing, and one thing only: his beloved rock ‘n’ roll. A man who has taken on the might of the system… and won! And is still standing to tell the tale. Yes, he is one of the most distinctive figures in the music business, a man who has spent almost five decades declaring that ‘You Can’t Stop Rock ‘n’ Roll’… and continues to do so. Yes, it’s Dee Snider – and he’s back on the attack, determined to ‘Leave A Scar’ on the musical landscape with his latest solo album, which once again sees him delivering an emphatic punch in the face to the establishment, in every regard…

Having once again teamed up with Jamey Jasta, Snider proves that not only does he have the desire and the passion to rock (again), but he is more than ready and able to do so as the world emerges from the unique turmoil of the past 18 months or so… Yes, it’s time to roll again, as Snider defiantly declares that’s he’s going to do so until the day he dies, ‘cos for him it’s definitely a case of ‘All Or Nothing’. Yes, occasionally he (like the rest of us) may be ‘Down But Not Out’ as he declares that we will never stop, as it is ‘Open Season’ on the critics, the doubters and the nay sayers who claim that rock ‘n’ roll is a dead genre. It certainly ain’t as long as Mr Snider, and we at ÜRHQ, are still standing tall and proving otherwise: we’re ‘In For The Kill’ in that regard and you might find its ‘Time To Choose’ what side on which you wish to stand in this battle of the ages. We’ve chosen the winning side, and we have the soundtrack to lead us into battle, flags waving proudly and ‘Stand’ in the face of incongruity, mediocrity and misinformation.

Not that he really needed it, but his collaboration with Jasta has ignited a fierce new fire in Snider’s belly. In 2018, following the final dissolution of Twisted Sister, Snider declared that everything he did he did ‘For The Love Of Metal’. It was a defiant assertion. Now he has emphasized it with this emphatic punch in the face, as he delivers not only one of his most passionate collection of songs but perhaps the most singularly impressive vocal performance of his storied career. Come the day that heavy metal is eventually recognized as a religion, there is no doubt who would be sitting on the genre’s version of the purple throne – with his middle finger raised in defiant celebration.

  • ‘Leave A Scar’ is out now. You can get your copy HERE.

  • All content © Über Rock. Not to be reproduced in part or in whole without the express written permission of Über Rock.