By Jonni D

Artwork for Memento Mori for EulogyWhile Cardiff three-piece Eulogy show a decent level of instrumental proficiency on their new EP, ‘Memento Mori’, the initially underwhelming lack of dynamics leaves the listener somewhat wanting.  

The NWOBHM-inspired opener ‘Cross To Bear’ feels bogged down by a leaden ploddiness both in vocal delivery and the overall instrumentation, particularly the track’s driving riff.  Having said that, the lead flourish towards the song’s end allows for some more colourful augmentation from guitarist Mike Williams.

Despite the fleeting intrigue of the Alice In Chains meets Sabbath intro, ‘You’ll Die Alone’ settles into fatigue rather quickly.  The catchiness of the verse riff is unfortunately undone by ad nauseam repetition. Vocalist/bassist Neil Thomas does find some saving grace with a chorus melody that is at first unassuming but proves to be a subtle earworm.

‘Corvid’ provides a significant upping in tempo and heaviness, which is far more befitting them than the lumbering previous tracks.  Despite some lyrical clunkiness, Eulogy manage to maintain momentum with numerous tempo shifts and a fairly invigorated middle eight section.  Similarly, the closer ‘Blood Red Skies’ packs a more forceful and controlled punch, with considerable dexterity displayed both in instrumentation and vocals.

It’s certainly not the most consistent of releases, but ‘Memento Mori’ shows glimmers of promise.  Traditional metal fans may find enough to enjoy throughout the EP’s duration, particularly the latter two tracks where Eulogy delve into heavier terrains.  That said, individual moments don’t add up to a satisfactory whole with this one.

  • ‘Memento Mori’ is out now. You can get your copy HERE.

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