
No Sugarcoating & No Bullshit: July 

Written by Jo Hayes
Saturday, 09 July 2016 04:00

Hello again Uber Rockers. It’s that time again for a dose of blogging nonsense, and I’m sure we could do with something to take our minds off the current political situation in this country. Although this blog is both music and Brexit related, hopefully it won’t be as annoying as the news.


Whether you voted to leave or stay, I’m sure we all made a decision that we felt was right. Although I’m sure both sides can be pissed off at the moment:

• The politician that started it all, quit.

• The Chancellor, rather than attempting to steer us through choppy waters, went AWOL.

• The politicians that lead the leave campaign went quiet.

• None of this was helped by shit campaigns, and scaremongering on both sides. Leaving voters on both sides wondering what the fuck is going on.



The country is divided, whether it’s politicians at war, or people falling out on Facebook, and you might think what the hell this has to do with music (or taking your mind off Brexit).


In my usual nonsensical fashion of connect the dots, I thought of the gig I’m due to go to this week (Brian James at the 100 Club), celebrating 40 years of The Damned’s first gig at the 100 Club with the Sex Pistols. Then the current political situation, 40 years on from the Punk Rock era, could this trigger a new music scene or a new wave of Punk Rock bands? (Would that make them new-new-wave or new-er wave…I’m sure that someone else can come up with a better term!)


Some people are doing something to vent their frustration, and their anger, either by being proactive, and joining a political party for instance, or by complaining on Facebook. The latter frustrates me, as it seems to be causing division when both sides should be united.



In 1976 the Notting Hill carnival riots inspired The Clash – ‘White Riot’ – and Harold Wilson had quit as Prime Minister, not to mention Britain having to be rescued by the International Monetary Fund, it seems that history is kind of repeating itself.


I feel inspired to pick up my guitar and play, although I can’t due to health issues, but I feel inspired to write. Whether it’s a blog or song lyrics, it helps me to have some kind of a creative outlet.


Everyone has a right to moan on social media, and some I’ve seen have a screaming moment right after the event, has retracted their post or even apologised, maybe they just needed to get it out of their system. However, rather than being shitty at your apparent friends on Facebook, do something about it…make some Punk Rock!



Some songs mocking Osborne, Johnson or Cameron would surely give anyone something to laugh about?

Until next time…