By DJ Monk

Artwork for Am I Awake? by MavenThis second EP from London newcomers Maven is further proof of the strength of the British alt-rock scene at the moment and the ability of those inhabiting the mien to stand toe to toe with their trans-Atlantic cousins on a more than equal basis.

Halfway through the opening track, which opens with a deceptive sense of foreboding before exploding into life with massive energy, DQ stuck her head around the door and enquired as the band’s name, adding “I like that”: and there is no better praise you can get, as herself is notoriously hard to please.

The four tracks show a song writing maturity that sounds well beyond the years of their creators, and the performances are taut and impressive in every department, from the sheer power of the riffs to the catch choruses and the very clever use of atmospherics, especially in the vocal department.

An impressive piece of work which once again shows that British rock is very much alive and well, kicking down doors and taking names on a regular basis.

  • ‘Am I Awake?’ is out now. You can get your copy HERE.