The Uber Rock Singles Club – October 2015

Written by Dom Daley
Sunday, 18 October 2015 03:00


It seems like forever since the last time we had Mixmaster Dom Daley casting his eye over the latest vinyl releases to grace Uber Rock HQ, in fact it was only about 8 weeks ago. But he’s back brothers and sisters and this time he’s got a bag full of goodies including the likes of The X-Rays, Last Great Dreamers, The Alarm and many, many more. Welcome then to the October 2015 edition of The Uber Rock Singles Club.


AlarmThe Alarm – ‘Strength’ (The 21st Century Recording Company)


As part of Mike Peters 30th Anniversary of the release of The Alarm’s ‘Strength’ album he rerecorded it again from a new perspective and this is the single released from those sessions.  Featuring two tracks; ‘Strength’ (of course) and ‘Majority’ which has now become ‘We Are Majority’  Like Marmite these projects tend to divide a fan base of traditionalists and people who blindly follow whatever.


Firstly ‘Strength’ has morphed into ‘Heart Of Gold’ by Neil Young, with almost identical chords and a very similar arrangement and for the record whilst I like the re-worked albums for both ‘Declaration’ and ‘Strength’ I do prefer the original up-tempo version of this classic Alarm track. As for ‘Majority’ becoming ‘We Are Majority’ maybe it’s to get around royalties with getting new people to play it and changing the title and rewriting a lot of the lyrics, who really knows, but it’s fairly loyal to the original and it’s still a good song if perhaps a bit ‘wordy’ here. After all is said and done though it’s nice to see the Alarm back on 7″ vinyl and I do like the poster bag- very nice.  Had it been other songs maybe it would have had me review it differently but being two such iconic Alarm tracks it was always going to be a tough call.  I do however look forward to the new album that’s in the pipeline.


Dope SchoolLast Great Dreamers – ‘Dope School’ (Ray Records)


There’s certainly plenty of punch in ‘Dope School’ and I must take my hat off for the Hanoi-esque breakdown.  This is the sound of a beat up ‘n’ roughed up Last Great Dreamers and I must say it might just be the finest three minutes forty two seconds of their career so far.  A fine tune indeed with a neat riff and punky rhythm section very impressive.


The B Side of this single (released on November 9thcoincidentally) isn’t too shabby either ‘White Light Black Heart’ is a tad on the lighter side but it’s glam-tastic all the same and it has a cowbell on it (courtesy of new drummer Denley Slade) so what more can you ask for.  If this is a flavour of what’s to come via the new Dreamers line up then bring it on. This is a very impressive single indeed.


Jim JonesJim Jones And The Righteous Mind – ‘Boil Yer Blood’ (Raygun Records)


Starting off with a heaving raw riff Jim Jones is back in the house. Still screaming, still rocking and still rolling. Brother Jim needs a “Hell yeah!” and on ‘Boil Yer Blood’ you get a foot stomping rock and rolla, all the way from the very depths of Hell by the sounds of it. It’s not a million miles from his Revue nor is it that far removed from Thee Hypnotics either, in fact this sits somewhere nicely in the middle. ‘1000 Miles From The Sure’ might be a little different and nestles nicely somewhere near the Nick Cave or Tom Waits territory as Jones goes for a trippy laid back vibe heading towards Twin Peaks soundtrack territory.  However the pedal steel is very nice indeed.


Pressed on a no nonsense 10″ slab of blood red wax it’s great to have these bad boys back in the fold. To cap off this introduction ‘Hold Up’ heads into the swamp for some a capella  singing before the drums join in what might add up to a rock and roll séance where Old Nick is mustered up for some future deals.  Jim Jones And The Righteous Mind are in the house so buckle up kids its time to rock!


KopekThe Kopek Millionaires – ‘Feel Shit Hit Of The Summer’ (Self Released)


Johny Skullknuckles millionaire troupe bring the noise with this nifty slab of sing-a-long punk ‘n’ bop glunk rock.  The lead track skips along with a breeze of a melody and some fine and dandy gang backing vocals.  All you need to know is it’s catchy as fuck and by the time you’re reaching for the loop button you already know the chorus and are happily singing along.


The real beauty of this single though is the fact that The Kopek Millionaires have only gone and covered one of the finest bands to have raised their ugly heads in the 80s, and band that hardly anyone has ever heard of and those that do remember them to this day, adore them. ‘So Alone’ then is a blindingly good idea and anyone who covers the Soho Roses is a winner in my book and to do the tune justice is duly noted and mucho kudos is heaped upon Mr Skullknuckles and co. Just buy this folks – oh wait its deleted, as it’s no longer summer, so hit the Kopek’s Bandcamp page and find yourself something else to buy instead.


X RaysThe X-Rays – ‘Bad Luck Just Got A Richochet’ (Gig The Fuzz)


Pressed on one of the thickest slabs of 7″ vinyl I’ve ever held in my hand (ohh er missus) The X-Rays have drafted in ex-Hip Priest Skintight Tim on the tubs for these two sonic bombdrops.


‘Bad Luck Just Got A Ricochet’ is exactly what I wanted to hear from The X-Rays lo-fi down ‘n’ dirty, fast and furious and something you can sing along to after just a few plays.


Flipside ‘Opinion’ is the sound your brain would make if you stick your head into a blender and switched it on full speed. It’s antisocial and the guitars are loud as fuck! I love it and you should love it too! Fuckin’ beautiful stuff!  The guitar solo on ‘Opinion’ literally screams “Fuck You!” That’s my opinion whether The X-Rays want it or not fuck ‘em this is a belter! In fact it’s the best thing they’ve done to date.


Bad MojosBad Mojo’s – ‘Punx Faggots Freaks’ (No Front Teeth)


Pressed on 7″ vinyl this no nonsense punk rock that actually boasts seven tracks – which is always impressive for a 7″.


With buzzsaw guitars and full throttle rhythm behind a low end vocal growl Switzerland’s Bad Mojo’s aren’t fucking about. You know the drill, the songs are fast and over quickly.  Using the blueprint set out by the Ramones, Stiff Little Fingers and the mighty UK Subs Bad Mojo’s give it some serious welly.


The Scraps/Needle Exchange – ‘Split 7”’ (No Front Teeth)Scraps


‘Shoot You Dead’ is a loud sloppy, romp through the murky back streets of Soho.  It has the spirit of The Heartbreakers and a huge punk rock beating heart. ‘Wild’ meanwhile is holding on by a thread and sounds like it was one take, bollocks to the levels, let’s rock, and with a glorious singalong and some Rotten-esque vocals the more I hear The Scraps the more I like ‘em, and what another fantastic side of punk rock music this is courtesy of No Front Teeth.


Flip the 7” record over for Needle Exchange and from the throb of that bass guitar it’s got a great big dirty riff and a chorus to match and a back beat that I love.  ‘Douse Me’ is fast n furious and over in the blink of an eye compared to the addictive ‘I Wanna Die’ but you have to love those backing vocals over all the excitement of that riff


Sick ThoughtsSick Thoughts – ‘Aborted World’ (No Front Teeth)


Sick Thoughts play fast, furious, pissed off, UK82, Exploited-like, noisy, in your face, abrasive punk rock.  Yeah the lyrics of ‘Aborted World’ might be printed on the sleeve but the fact you can’t understand them anyway is sort of the point.


This is no apology punk rock from the Baltimore based sick mind of Drew Owen and on the other side ‘G.O.O.M.F’ is another fine stab of punk rock with yet more teenage bedroom angst lyrics. You’ll love it and hate it in equal measures coz they mean it maaaaan!


So, there we have to leave it for another Singles Club ladies and gentlemen, next stop will probably involve a visit from some imaginary fella in a soft drink sponsored red suit. What was it Noddy Holder used to say again?

Oh yeah…”Itsssss Chr…{sound of stylus being dragged off vinyl)