The Uber Rock Singles Club – May 2015 

Written by Dom Daley
Sunday, 10 May 2015 03:00

It’s a bumper month this one and I’ve not even included any RSD picks, which seems about right because as RSD quietly eats itself in the corner I prefer to feast on these beauties. We have a right mixed bag this time out, and as they say variety is the spice of life and The Uber Rock Singles Club is certainly that. The one thing that courses through all of these releases though is they are quality singles, so boys and girls get yer mum’s credit card out because this one might get expensive.


HP1The Hip Priests – ‘Love Is The Drugs’ / ‘Do The Strand’ (Ghost Highway Records)


It’s a no brainer isn’t it? The Hip Priests are well on the way for being the finest band to put out singles anywhere and at any time. If you thought that they might be pinching out a poor one someday soon then just don’t bother because this is another juggernaut of a perverted pair. Seriously who saw them covering a Roxy Music track coming? Yeah of course you did. Those good people at Ghost Highway know how to pick ‘em though and this cover is right up there with the best of them. Sure it’s taken out the back and given a right good seeing to like only The Hip Priests can, but the carcass isn’t unrecognizable; fucking hell what kind of animals do you think they are? Can you just imagine the look on old sour chops Ferry’s gob if he were ever played this bad boy? All you rock and roll perverts will no doubt be drooling over the sleeve which again is pure Hip Priest gold and I would suggest you shake a leg in getting hold of a copy before they are all gone, so don’t delay and hit this link right away. Once again the Priests get top billing just in case you can’t read more than a couple of paragraphs due to being too fucked up – you naughty boys and girls get on it!


WyldlifeWyldlife – ‘(It’s Called) Rock ‘n’ Roll’ (Self Released)


It’s been a while but I’m sure as shit glad to have these rock and rollers back in the fold and ready to unleash their new long player on us over the summer, but before we get ahead of ourselves the Wyldlife boys have decided to grace us with a new 7″, and those in the know will agree it’s been way too long. ‘(it’s Called) Rock ‘n’ Roll’ is exactly what the rock ‘n’ roll doctor ordered, because Wyldlife are a band that truly understand what it takes to pen a single. No time for fuckin’ about, its on with the show and we’re up and running with a great big fat sloppy riff held down by the thunderous bass while singer Dave Feldman leads us all on a merry dance toward the infectious chorus you know is waiting. Flip it over and you get a delicious cover of ‘Candy Rock’ by The Brats and it’s totally owned by Wyldlife. If you have any shred of rocknroller inside you then you would be a total fool hipster faker to pass this bad boy up. Hopefully this is the year Wyldlife grasp the mantle and become the leaders of the good time rock and roll movement. You can get your copy here.


The GaggersThe Gaggers – ‘Bad Taste’ (No Front Teeth)


The fat lady is clearing her throat and The Gaggers are bowing out – but what a way to go. Tastefully wrapped in a pink leopard print sleeve this is along the lines of the classic ‘Two Fingers Down Your Throat’ and at full pelt ‘Bad Taste’ is a beautiful thing. A thuggish tune calls for equally thuggish production as it give the old ear drums a good seeing to. The B sides aren’t bad either, complete with harmonica and handclaps of course I’m down with it. I’m gutted The Gaggers are gone but they did leave behind a wonderful legacy. Pop over to No Front Teeth if you know what’s good for you.


2015-04-23 12.26.47Disco Lepers – ‘Open Sores’ (No Front Teeth)


Another NFT special and this time it’s those purveyors of utter filth, the Disco Lepers, coming at you through a very nice seven inch full colour acetate sleeve. The lead track has Vinny Typhoid lamenting about what else but ‘Open Sores’ and it hammers along in true Lepers tradition. This time around though the A Side ts upstaged by its backside of ‘God Bless Mark David Chapman’. Oh well that’s any potential radio play out the window then. The riff to this one is utterly filthy as it slams along at a thunderous pace, the breakdown is all kinds of wrong but you can’t stop yourself listening. Dare I start singing along? ‘Carbon Black’ completes this super snotty trio of un-PC punk rock. Let’s hope there are more tapes found down the side of a cupboard or in a drawer for future release. This is sick!


Neon KnivesNeon Knives – ‘Mind Control’ (No Front Teeth)


Rounding up a triple threat from No Front Teeth this month Neon Knives put out this four track EP on a 10″ record cut individually on a lathe by an actual human being so don’t expect to be getting a copy anytime soon. Its quieter than mass produced releases and it’s cut on clear vinyl that isn’t perfect – in fact far from perfect – but hey how cool is a hand cut 10” record? Some low end turntables might even struggle to play the thing (so hipsters will be fucked then). As for the music, well ‘Mind Control’ is the lead track and its snotty punk rock which is the order of the day for the Neon Knives. ‘Telemania’ is more of the same, as are all the tracks to be fair, and its only pressed on the one side. All kinds of cool again and NFT are the winners; these guys are always thinking outside the box and delivering unique records that are not only collectible but contain bloody good music too.


Gypsy RollerGypsy Roller – ‘Lost In Some Old Melody’ / ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Stroller’ (Self Released)


With feet apart, one cuban heel in the ‘70s, the other in the jet age, Gypsy Roller go for an end of night slow dance with ‘Lost In Some Old Melody’. Sure it’s mixing big parts of Bowie and T Rex but I’m also hearing people like Prince when the Gypsy picks up his guitar and rocks out. The chorus is big and there’s a lot going on and it’s slick and addictive stuff. You could do a hell of a lot worse than head on over to the bandcamp page and check out Gil’s work – the guys sure know how to rock and roll. The other track offered up to the rock ‘n’ roll Gods is ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Stroller’ and for all you kids looking for some glam banging ‘70s inspired peacock strutting then this is the bomb. Hell it’s unashamedly covered itself in glitter, and why not? It’s a simple formula. Pen a great tune then sprinkle some glitter on it. Throw in a handclap here and there and add reverb to the snare and you better be 100% authentic or you cannot pull this off. Lucky for Gypsy Roller they are the real deal then. Check it out.


Loons Miss Clara RegretsThe Loons – ‘Miss Clara Regrets’ (Dirty Water Records)


After Gypsy Roller took us back in time to a vintage 70s era The Loons step just a little further with this 60’s Carnaby Street inspired trip. In fairness what a trip it is too with a great lead track that has a flat and dirty bass guitar thumping away whilst we take a very enjoyable trip though time. Beat music never sounded so good. I read a review that described this band as “terminally cool” and that pretty much hits the nail right square on the head and this two track Dirty Water Records release (‘Alexander’ being the B side) is a pre taster for a full album that is set to come on like a bomb, and the pairing of band and label just about seems like a match made in heaven. Cool as man, cool as.


MFC ChickenMFC Chicken – ‘(Get Outta The) DJ Booth’ / ‘Lake Bears’ (Dirty Water Records)


Honestly who else is gonna put out this crazy band? Nobody that’s who. Dirty Water Records love their freak beats though and MFC Chicken certainly know how to serve them up. You can keep your Vintage Trouble with their cool sassy vintage sound because MFC Chicken are mainlining vintage horn honking twelve bar riffing rock and roll just how I prefer it. When singles ruled the music world bands releasing songs like this were ten a penny; but that all went away bar a few; and thank the good lord for bands like this for shaking their shit. This would get any club in any town jumping like a cat on a hot tin roof. Its glorious free flowing garage tinged rock ‘n’ roll. But it doesn’t stop with the lead track ‘(Get Outta The) DJ Booth’, these bad boys have two puppies out, one as infectious as the next. ‘Lake Bears’ is Chuck Berry jamming with The Killer and throwing in some of James Brown’s big band for good measure whilst The Stooges join in for shits and giggles. What a refreshing joy it is to hear bands dish up such good records and it’s a fitting tribute to the 45 that it’s done so fantastically well. MFC Chicken you rock!


The Rooms. jpgThe Rooms – ‘Paraphernalia’ (Self Released)


Coming out of Clermont in France The Rooms have released their second four track EP entitled ‘Paraphernalia’. Kicking off with ‘Sugar Fairy’ it’s a toe tapping chunk of rock ‘n’ roll as it settles into a great dirty bass roll but builds very nicely towards the catchy chorus and another record that impresses me greatly. These new tracks sound far more confident that the first single the band put out and ‘Helen’ plays in on another cool guitar lick. With a great production these songs have been rounded into a very nice EP indeed. There is variety within the tracks that goes from Britpop tinged (‘Thank You For Your Time’) to the straight down the line rocker (‘Helen’) I hear bands as diverse as The Charlatans right through to The Cult in these songs and all the while keeping their own identity which can only be a good thing and stand the band in good stead for future releases. Head over to the band’s Bandcamp page to check this excellent EP out.


Hung Luck JackHung Like Jack – ‘Fire Beneath Me’ / ‘Life’s First Sign Of Rage’ (Dark Angel Records UK)


Without time to fuck about Hung Like Jack are out of the blocks with ‘Fire Beneath Me’ and coming on like a thuggish T.S.O.L this is heavy as fuck with a full force punk rockin’ attitude and a chorus that is memorable enough for even the drunkest rock fan to sing along to. The flip is gang vocals and rapid riffs. they’re not fucking about are Hung Like Jack getting right down to business this is hard rockin’ honest and sounds like it was born to be played live in some highly strung dark and menacing venue ready to lynch you with riffs and beats. Hung Like Jack are certainly a band to look out for in the coming months if they don’t spontaneously combust first. It’s a bargain price as well and can be purchased directly from the band’s Facebook page.


The Hip Priests & Bitch Queens – ‘Split 7’ (Speedowax Records)


I end this edition of The Uber Rock Singles Club with a slight case of déjà vu as who saw these two sick puppies joining ranks like some fucked up legion of doom? I guess it was only a matter of time and Speedowax Records have got what amounts to the Holy Grail or sacred glunk unification of England’s finest and Switzerland’s finest laying down two tracks each with one being a choice cover of the other. Let’s look at The Hip Priests side first. ‘Sha Na Na Nihilist’ is the original and true to form it’s a heaving slab of snotty punk rock ‘n’ fucking roll. But what’s this a 70’s glittery chorus? marrying the bands full on style they’ve managed to get a touch of beaten up Slade or is it Mud into the chorus; whatever it is it works; and once again they excel in delivering exactly what the fans want. They also do a very fine take on the Bitch Queens’ ‘Woe Is Me’ and totally own it. With the suitably rude lyrics it’s almost as almost if Bitch Queens knew what was coming.



Flip this bad boy over and you have the Bitch Queens giving The Hip Priests a damn good run for their money. ‘Bored’ is another mighty fine tune with a great riff and a monster of a bass rumble. Then it’s on to their take on ‘Sonic Reproducer’ and boy do they turn up the heat. It seems weird having someone else singing the words (again) but the boys from Basel have stepped up to the plate and have shown that they are worthy and smashed it out of the ball park. Split singles don’t get much better than this from the art work to the quality of the music it’s a win/win and will undoubtedly be snapped up quickly when it finally hits the band’s bandcamp pages. I have no other option left than to declare this a tie! I couldn’t pick a winner on this occasion but I can tell you that the standard is exceptional. Buy it!


So there we have it folks that’s another wax packed meeting of The Uber Rock Singles Club over and done with. Next time around let’s hope DJ Johnny H will not be washing his hair again eh! See you then.