The Uber Rock Singles Club – February 2015

Written by Dom Daley & Johnny H
Sunday, 01 February 2015 03:00

Another year and so it begins, the singles roll into the Uber Rock office and we can’t quite believe our ears as each one just gets better and better. A sadly unloved format by many new kids on the block but we can’t get enough of ’em especially when they come pressed up on multi-coloured vinyl. Singles are the lifeblood of rock and roll always has been and always will be. It’s the perfect way to discover new music (not fucking downloads) and it’s the best way to get little rewards from some of your favourite bands as there are always plenty of uber treats out there that you’d never get on a full album and this month is a perfect example of that. Dom Daley kicks off this month’s update with Johnny “preparation” H as usual; bringing up the rear…. Enjoy!


483658 626840317341970 657513717 n16 Ton Rockers – ‘The Vintage Retro Tapes 1977’ (Self Released)


Three tracks from Scandinavia that reaffirm your belief in rock n roll really was played by kids that left school with some certificates for Maths and English, a packet of cigarettes and a pair of creepers. You see 16 Ton Rockers mix up some Pistols punk rock with the usual suspects of Backyard Babies and Hanoi and in lead track ‘Pistol A Go-Go’ they have a pretty decent tune too. Up next ‘Somebody Save Me’ has a moody opening before breaking out with more of the same punk rock and roll. The cowbell signals that ‘All The Fucks’ is underway and a cool riff it is too, even if the tone is straight from the Steve Jones book of guitar riffs that’s OK in my book, because if you’re gonna lean on the best for your influences then why not. As far as three track promo/demo singles go this one is well worth checking out.


GentlemanBlagThe Dwarves – ‘Gentleman Blag’ (Fat Wreck Chords)


My first proper 7” single this time around comes from last year’s full length offering from The Dwarves, and this this four song EP covers all the bases, kicking off with the Blag-less ‘Gentleman Blag’ from ‘Dwarves Invented Rock & Roll’. Confused? Well don’t be. Because as always with Dwarves singles this one is well worth investing in for the songs/songs you won’t find on the album or anywhere else for that matter, no matter how brief the song is. ‘Trisexual’, the newbie here blasts in at 33 seconds. You have to love them. The breakneck ‘Kings Of The World’ (also from ‘Dwarves Invented Rock & Roll’) is another triumph in melody and catchiness, whilst the final cut on this the band’s first single on Fat Wreck Chords is the ultra-aggressive and also previously unreleased ‘Into The Void’! The fuckin’ mentalists. Featuring Dexter Holland (Offspring) and Rex Everything a.k.a. Nick Oliveri. The recording also features ALL OF THE DWARVES, including HeWhoCannotBeNamed and Salt Peter from the original line-up so it’s an absolute must own for all you sick sick puppies out there. Where can you get one? Why RIGHT HERE.


HP IAFGThe Hip Priests/The Egyptian Gaylovers – ‘Split 7”’ (Strange Magic Records)


If this split 7” were a boxing contest it would literally be over before the fighters stepped into the ring, because folks the undisputed kings of filthy misanthropic nihilistic garage rock and roll, The Hip Priests, have already been awarded the belt as it’s a no contest. ‘I’m A Fucking Genius’ is the lead song here, and yes you read that right boys and girls, because these cats aren’t afraid to let you know exactly how it is and to be fair they are yet to put a foot wrong… This single is simply further proof of that fact. If that isn’t enough they give the High Priest Of Love a run for his money as they totally annihilate ‘Spasm Gang’ by the mighty Zodiac Mindwarp, the song itself chosen as a tribute to the legion of hardcore Priests followers also known as the Spasm Gang. This is a monster of a cover and fitting tribute to the outcasts, waifs, strays & depraved members that are the band’s fan base.


I kinda feel sorry for The Egyptian Gay Lovers who must have balls of steel to go up against The Hip Priests, and on a previous split they went toe to toe with Chuck Norris Experiment, so fair play to them. Anyway in the interest of fair play I must admit they do turn out a bruising ‘Spirit Of The Wheel’ and a from Dresden with love take of Saxon and their ‘Motorcycle Man’ (shame it wasn’t ‘Wheels Of Steel’ but hey you can’t have everything). ‘Spirit Of The Wheel’ is hard as nails and as vocalist Cleaner declares “we don’t care what you fucking think!” you never get the chance to question if he means it…..maaaaaaan. Sharp as fuck the cover is a fistful of metal that will have Saxon aficionados strapping on their studded gloves and squeezing into their pinstriped spandex to windmill like bastards to this very respectful take on a NWOBHM classic. Oh and before I forget this single comes wrapped in some mighty fine artwork as well. Superb stuff, get your copy HERE!


10906199 10203143301496663 8416823910289442617 nJerry Nolan & The Profilers – ‘The Final Recordings’ EP (Straight To The Top Records)


Six rare tracks pressed on bubblegum pink vinyl by Straight To The Top Records anyone? Well why not I say, besides this is cool as fuck right from the Heartbreakers lite cover to the sleazy as… songs on offer this is a must own for all you glunk fans out there. Yeah Jerry Nolan he of the Dolls and the Heartbreakers managed to jump in a studio before he sadly passed away and lay down what turns out to be some pretty decent rock and roll. Sure you know how this is gonna sound. Jerry never liked to stray far from what he was good at and this comes complete with some snazzy guitar slinging and saxophone honking, in fact ‘Voodoo Blues’ the lead track on this EP is a fantastic tune.


To be fair of the five songs (‘Paint Me A Villain’ is included twice with a separate mix) on offer it’s what you’d want and it doesn’t stray too far from ‘L.A.M.F.’ territory. Sure it’s missing the Thunders magic but Jerry had knocked up a pretty decent beat combo in The Profilers. Greg Allen does a great job on vocals and guitar whilst the rhythm is held down tight by Chicago Vin Earnshaw and there is even room for Jerry’s old bud Walter Lure to guest on guitar (of course) whilst Buddy Bowser lays down that awesome New York saxophone. ‘Trouble On The Way’ rocks and rolls but it’s the horns and harmonica that elevate this most excellent tune.


Recorded in September of ’91, the midway point between Jerry and Johnny’s sad deaths this really is a must own and I’m surprised the songs contained here hadn’t been leaked many years ago. Perhaps the last in a glut of Thunders related releases and possibly one of the finest. R.I.P Jerry and thanks for the music – it’s the best!


11085 970741299607252 2629361036581655736 nUrban Dogs – ‘Rebellion Song’/’One Foot In The Grave’ (T&M Records)


How about 500 hand numbered dual coloured copies that feature original Urban Dogs drummer Matthew Best? How does that grab you? Well I thoroughly enjoyed the acoustic ‘Bonefield’ album as it was some departure from Charlie Harper and Knox’s day jobs so I was half expecting this to follow suit but how wrong I was. ‘Rebellion Song’ is a monster of a song. Whilst it’s mid pace this Harper number is immense and a really accomplished song. ‘One Foot In The Grave’ on the other hand sees Knox step up to the mic for another must own Time & Matters release. The guitars are handled by Charlie and Knox and Pat Collier handles the bass and engineering duties. Its only when you step away from The Vibrators and the UK Subs that you can truly appreciate how damn talented these guys are and it’s not only punk rock that they have mastered but some superb rock and roll too.


Dom Daley


CNEjpgThe Chuck Norris Experiment – ‘Black Leather’ (Ghost Highway/Glunk/No Balls/Pitshark/Strange Magic Records)


With The Chuck Norris Experiment releasing one of THE BEST punk rock albums of 2014 this orange (it looks more like piss yellow if you ask me though) coloured 7″ single is the perfect way for those of you still playing catch up to…. um, play catch up. For those of us who already know just how awesome CNE are though, fear not, this is still worth adding to your collection because along with a new Star Trek enhanced version of the A side, you also get a superb cover of Turbonegro’s ‘I Got Erection’ on the flip. Limited to just 250 copies (Glunk Records are delivering the goods here in the UK) if you want the Swedish boys with the smudged bandit make up to sign this fucker for you when then demolish The Dolls House at Slugfest 8/Uberpa2ooza then you know what you gotta do…right?


triggercharity500Trigger McPoopshute – ‘Charity Snatch’/’Sheep’ (Self Released)


Talking of Slugfest this here two track digital/physical release from Trigger McPoopshute, Abertillery’s premier back door rock ‘n’ roll outfit, consists of two tracks recorded at last year’s drunken shenanigans. Released as a tribute to their (and just about everyone else’s) good friend Mark ‘Bugsy’ Burgham, who sadly passed away recently, every penny this single makes goes to Mark’s family. So with only 50 CDs being cut this is your chance to bag two quality potty mouthed punk tunes and also help to make a difference in the process. Those of you who have been (un?)fortunate to experience Trigger live will know what these boys are all about, and with ‘Charity Snatch’ they once again move things up a gear in the songwriting stakes as they continue their quest to become the UK’s premier back door rock ‘n’ roll outfit. Buy this single or we’ll send the boys ‘round.


M8BallasleepcoverMagic Eight Ball – ‘Better Off Asleep’ (Magic Cat Records)


Hot on the heels of the uber approved ‘Last Of The Old Romantics’ album comes this all new track from Baz Francis and Magic Eight Ball. Written in conjunction with Welsh producer/musician Lewis John ‘Better Off Asleep’ is a glorious piece of acoustic bubblegum pop that takes a pinch of Difford and Tiibrook and adds it to the creative insanity of Jellyfish to give you…the unmistakable sound of Magic Eight Ball. Available exclusively through (and I’m writing this through gritted teeth here folks) iTunes, this track is worth every penny, simply because no one expects to hear a fantabulous kazoo solo in their pop music these days. Now let’s just hope Magic Eight Ball bring this wind section to their hotly anticipated acoustic set on the Sunday of Slugfest 8/Uberpa2ooza, eh.


Nasty RumoursNasty Rumours – ‘Girls In Love’ (Wanda Records)


Hailing from Switzerland, this second single from Nasty Rumoursactually sounds more like it is the product of a band from Manchester circa 1977 or maybe Leeds in 2015. Yup this is spiky snotty nosed punk pop of the finest order and if you like either The Buzzcocks or Cyanide Pills you will fucking love Nasty Rumours. Pressed on 100 red and 200 black vinyl the wonder of the punk rock 7″ is there for all of you to delight in courtesy of those fine people at Wanda Records. Oh and B side ‘Barbwire Heart’ is a not too shabby tune either.


shock-troops-v3Cock Sparrer -‘Shock Troops’ (Randale Records/Captain Oi! Records)


This is basically the seminal 10 track studio debut from street punk/Oi! legends Cock Sparrer released as a 3 volume 7″ set, a labour of love for Randale and Captain Oi! and what a fine collectors set it is too. Split out over a total of 5 x7″ discs the simple fact that (as I count it) eight of the songs contained here still feature in various shapes and forms in Sparrer’s live set today should speak volumes about the quality of tunes on offer here. They also come housed in some awesome new and exclusive cover art that makes them fine bedfellows to the hugely impressive Pirate’s Press reissues of a few years back. So what you waiting for? Captain Oi! only have limited stock of these beauties, and when they are gone they really are gone. Each of the ten tracks here could very have been a single in their own right and now finally they actually are. Shame the East End ex-boxing champs never quite made it to Top Of The Pops though.


Johnny H

‘till the next time folks….keep the (vinyl) faith!